20 Verbs to Use for the Word crawling

They heard the roar of the stream tearing through the embrasure and Kazan saw the otter crawl up to the top of the dam and shake himself like a huge water-rat.

Not one, not even the least imaginative of the Legion, but felt his skin crawl, felt his blood thrill, with stirrings of old romance at sight of this strange, exalting spectacle!

The men yelled savagely, but the assistant pulled himself together and continued his crawling.

arrastrar, to trail, drag along the ground, draw on, attract, bring up, take, carry, drag, touch, draw away; refl., to drag oneself; to creep, crawl, drag along the ground, trail; to be convinced, be induced.

"I couldn't see only the mere outline of him, and didn't dare crawl in, for I knew he had a knife.

At sunset they retired to the other side of the river, and all appeared quiet when my watch commenced at 10.30; but at midnight I detected a native crawling up amongst the thick grass about ten yards from the back of the tents.

Reserve your financial favors for the poor and needy. "Go find the beggar crawling in the sun, Or him that's worse; But don't inflict your charity on one With well filled purse.

[All together, at the base of the tree to which they form a crawling, writhing girdle.]

About three in the morning he heard French Pete crawl up for'ard and rummage around in the eyes of the boat.

It disgusts memakes my flesh crawl.

It tellsthis book compiled largely from correspondence of persons well known to you and meof the first "eight-days' crawl" that conveyed the chaffing, chafing command up through Mississippi, across East Tennessee into southeast Virginia and so on through Lynchburg to lovely Richmond; tells how never a house was passed in town or country but handkerchiefs, neckerchiefs, snatched-off sunbonnets, and Confederate flags wafted them on.

With nostrils distended, and sides moving in breathless agony, they can scarce, when unyoked, crawl to the stable.

I have been long of opinion, that instead of the tardy conveyance of ships and chariots, man might use the swifter migration of wings; that the fields of air are open to knowledge, and that only ignorance and idleness need crawl upon the ground.

But, really, as long as you honour asceticism as a means of appeasing the angry deities, I shall prefer to St. Dominic's cuirass or St. Hedwiga's chilblains, John Mytton's two hours' crawl on the ice in his shirt, after a flock of wild ducks.

The few Mandell men, who survived because their wounds had prevented their crawling into the cave, went to work at the best of the Sunlanders and dug in the ground.

As we wended our way up the valley of the Platte one could look back for miles and miles on a line of wagons, the sinuous line with vari-colored wagon covers resembling a great serpent crawling and wriggling up the valley.

"I have been looking at that listening-post, and thinking to myself wouldn't it be as well if we ran a sap out to it; it would save the crawling out across the open at night, and keeping the menand some wounded among them maybecooped up the whole day.

Down the blank visage of the wall, Where many a wavering trace appears Like a forgotten trace of tears, From swollen caves the slow drops crawl.

We fed the monkeys with buns, watched the loathly little snakes crawl among the grass in their cages, and then G. began gratuitously to insult a large fierce tiger by poking at it with her sunshade.

We might go up in their spray if we reached the rocks, but no anchor could check our crawling to doom.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  crawling