Which preposition to use with upholds

in Occurrences 30%

" This theorem cannot be upheld in its entirety, though there is a deep truth beneath it.

with Occurrences 10%

he Italian Government, and as a writer, I have upheld with firm conviction during the last few years.

by Occurrences 7%

Partakers of thy sad decline, Thy hands their little force resign, Yet, gently pressed, press gently mine, My Mary! Such feebleness of limbs thou provest, That now at every step thou movest Upheld by two, yet still thou lovest, My Mary!

for Occurrences 4%

It is probably of late Caroline construction, but even though it were of the sixteenth century its claim to be the oldest clock now at work in England could not be upheld for a moment, that in Wells Cathedral being far older.

to Occurrences 4%

He saw Glidden's pale face upheld to the light of the stars, and by it saw that Glidden was recovering.

on Occurrences 3%

This gallant though illegitimate scion of the illustrious house, whose name he upheld on many occasions, proved himself on the present worthy of such a father as William, and such a brother as Maurice.

without Occurrences 2%

The curiously confronted interlocutors, in the course of the missionary and subsequent private meetings, ran over most of the ground debated between opponents and apologists of the Calvinistic faith, which Kennedy upheld without stint.

against Occurrences 2%

"No, no," laughed the General, with a cackle, and a patronising hand upheld against the mere thought.

as Occurrences 2%

In this place, then, where those models which Johnson admired and imitated are still upheld as the only sure guides to sound learning, his writings can never be laid aside unread and neglected.

at Occurrences 2%

" Vincent was the real Southerner of his epochimpulsive, sentimental, ardent in all that he espoused, without the slightest notion of humor, though imaginative as a dreamer; love, war, and his State, Virginia, were passions that he thought it a duty to uphold at any and all times.

from Occurrences 1%

Wir nach dem Kriege, upholding from the German standpoint the right of Turkey and the wisdom of Turkey in dealing with her subject peoples as she had dealt with the Armenians.

between Occurrences 1%

Leaning back complacently in his easy-chair, with the glass upheld between his eye and the window, he discoursed to me of my journey, of my prospects in life, and of all that I should do and avoid, professionally and morally.

above Occurrences 1%

Thus, too, is the grandest work of Mr. Page's life, the Moses with hands upheld above the battle.

Which preposition to use with  upholds