10 Verbs to Use for the Word duds

Said I, standin' ontop a sugar hogshead, at a primary meetin, which was bein held in SIMMINSES grocery store: Feller sitizens of the Whig party, Refoose to renominate good men for offisses, and you can pack your duds and git your carpet bags checkt for the next steamer goin up Salt River.

"Come on in and change your duds and then we'll look the ranch over.

"'I have got id!' says he, clawing out some black duds.

Teddy's captor, who to stop him Simply had to shoot and drop him, Fired his pistol twice, but clicked it All in vain, for Ted had picked it Picked the tool that looked so grim After they had collared him, While his escort dodged a dud Outside in the Flanders mud.

The pretty girls in Brisbane Were hanging out their duds.

You, JOSEFEEN, must pick up your duds and look for another bordin'-house, for you can't run the Tooleries any longer.

Another of my little jokes had proved a dud.

"On an evening like this," he began, comfortably settling himself on the floor beside the chimney, "ye might rig yerself out in them new duds and fancy fixin's that that Sacramento shrimp sent ye, and let your own flesh and blood see ye.

He then bid Mary a "dud by" in bad English, and set off on a run in a northern direction for the purpose of joining the whites.

If you'd 'a' listened to me, you wouldn't 'a' gone and sold out your last dud to raise money.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  duds