30 Verbs to Use for the Word lows

"'Tis naught but innocence of heart can save me from the blow With which the slanderous serpents would lay their victim low.

But hope at last burned low, and the physicians had to confess that the case was beyond their skill.

She resumed her sewing, eyes on the needle, lips pressed into a straight line and head bending low.

The Turk's vast empire does united stand; Christians, divided under the command Of jarring princes, would be soon undone, Did not this hero make their int'rest one; 50 Peace to embrace, ruin the common foe, Exalt the Cross, and lay the Crescent low.

Oh once I wore my apron low

"I say, that's too bad!" cried Julius low to his friend.

Who Nature's treasures would explore, Her mysteries and arcana know; Must high as lofty Newton soar, Must stoop as delving Woodward low.

" "Never fear, Shipmate!" said Bellew in his most nautical manner, "'all's well that ends well,'a-low, and aloft all's a-taunto.

It was probable, although far from certain, that it entered the Madeira low down, near its point of junction with the Amazon.

Whither away, old man, whither away, With locks of white, and form bent low, And trembling hands, and steps so slow?

"If a man had dropped flat and squirmed along until in the shelter of the engine-room ventilators, he could have run forwardbending low, you knowwithout your seeing him.

The private soldiers all wear the oriental slippers; non-commissioned officers are given high-lows.

"Hang it, the family's low enough already without her," Osborne said to his friend Captain Dobbin.

Gladness and joy are described as prevailing through universal Nature, animating the low of the cattle, the carol of the birds, and the pipe of the shepherd.'

Yet, I had but reached the opening, when he gave out a loud cry, and held the candle low down to the sand.

She did her hair, to please Oliver, in a girlish way, parted and knotted low.

Leaving the drowning in their direful plight Leaving the drown'd low waving in the weeds.

I mogulated my axent low and gentle and looked mild at her over my specs, as I washed and she wiped, but my words wuz ever the same.

While looking at these I came to a tomb with an opening low down on the side of it, and behind some iron bars there lay a stone figure that made me fairly jump.

En w'iles Mars' Dugal' say he did n' b'liebe in cunj'in' en sich, he 'peared ter 'low it wuz bes' ter be on de safe side, en let Aun' Peggy alone.

One of the usual ways in which the high caste will punish the low, for any course of conduct to which they object is by the terrible threat of stopping their supply of "chas," which means usually nothing short of starvation.

"Then wakes the power," the deep voice rumbled, "that in the age of iron burst forth to curb the great and raise the low."

His second shot took the hat low down on its right side, and clipped away a bit of the brim.

PANCAKE DAY Great A, little a, This is pancake day; Toss the ball high, Throw the ball low, Those that come after May sing heigh-ho!

She gave a reassuring nod, turned the gas-jet low, and slid down into bed with the paper clenched in her hand.

30 Verbs to Use for the Word  lows