52 Verbs to Use for the Word meanness

He will spit fire and blow smoke out of his mouth with less harm and inconvenience to the Government than a seditious holder-forth, and yet all these disown and scorn him, even as men that are grown great and rich despise the meanness of their originals.

" Probably nothing could demonstrate the meanness of the artifices to which the planters resort to get rid of troublesome magistrates better than the following fact.

If an individual were attacked in this manner, his house beset with spies, his conversation with his family listened to, and the most trifling actions of his life recorded, it would be deemed unfair and illiberal, and he who should practice such meanness would be thought worthy of no punishment more respectful than what might be inflicted by an oaken censor, or an admonitory heel.

I must return to-day to town; so if Mrs. Golding will bestow half an hour of her time on me to talk over some needful matters, I shall take it as a favour.' Mrs. Golding bent her head to him, saying, 'At your pleasure, sir;' and we followed to the dining-room, where we found what I should have called a plentiful dinner, but Mr. Dacre kept excusing its meanness at every dish he offered us.

But in general we may say, with truth, that it always discovered the meanness of its original, like a false pretension to nobility, in which the cheat is always discovered, through the concealment of fictitious splendour.

"To brook no meanness, and to stoop to no dissimulation, are the indications of a great mind.

For there are ever those who envy truth and nobility in a man, as well as others who hate meanness and falsity, and so Sir Tristram ever had many enemies whithersoever he went.

I know the meanness that Mortlake plans to do to you.

Ah, to what cringing meanness are most people reduced by adversity!

Good Sir, said they, 'tis strange you dare Such meanness of yourself declare. Were I on earth, replied the Shade, I never had the truth betray'd; For there (and I suspect like you) I ne'er had time myself to view.

He accompanied the men down to the Causeway, hardly opening his mouth to them, while they were loud in denouncing the meanness of the man who had deserted a wife in Australia, and had then betrayed a young lady here in England.

His good points, they put it in effect, being so many, how much blacker and more deplorable his meannesses and faults!

Scott indeed, while without vanity, had pride; but it was of a lofty kind, disdaining meanness and cowardice as worse even than transgressions which have their origin in unregulated passions.

But in an hour of temptation, or from strange infatuation, he added murder to adultery,covering up a great crime by one of still greater enormity, evincing meanness and treachery as well as ungoverned passion, and creating a scandal which was considered disgraceful even in an Oriental palace.

The Julia Bentley of the last few moments was not the Julia Bentley she was accustomed to meet and interrogate, and she asked herself how she might exorcise the meanness that had so unexpectedly appeared in her.

Oily Dave contrived to throw a withering emphasis on the latter adjective, and rolled up his eyes in a manner meant to imply injured innocence, which, however, only expressed low-down meanness and cunning.

The angry pride of the scornful man felt its own meanness in the grand presence of a simple and humble Christian minister.

If I seek the society of other women, it is because I find not among them your meanness and vulgarity!" "Oh, Hardress," shrieked the affrighted girl, "you are not in earnest now?" "I do not joke!"

Women, when she tuck me to her bosom, I just slid right down thar on 'my unworthy knees thar on the ground at her feet thar, and with bitter tears beseeched of her to forgive and forgit my hard-heartedness and stone-blindness and dog-meanness, which of course, being Marthy, she had already done allus-ago.

Wonderfully tolerant, she could at the same time not easily forgive any meanness or injustice that seemed to her deliberate.

Aye, I've heard hard jokes cracked aboot the meanness o' the Scot.

Lady Maldon had several times very plainly intimated that our aversion to the marriage arose solely from a selfish desire of retaining the services of her charming relative; so prone are the mean and selfish to impute meanness and selfishness to others.

He had done more than any other boy to introduce meanness, quarrelling, and vice, and the very atmosphere of the rooms seemed healthier in his absence.

In the intensity of the action, he keeps ever out of sight the meanness of the operation.

While beholding this vast expanse I learn my own extreme meanness, I would also discover the abject littleness of all terrestrial things.

52 Verbs to Use for the Word  meanness