6 adjectives to describe penguins

The cold-blooded penguin.

Pee-Gloo, a little penguin from the South Pole.

The polite penguin.

The glare of real daylight very soon impressed him so vividly as to blot out everything of his shadowy world, but of a night-time, in a darkened room, he could still see the white-splashed rocks of the island, and the clumsy penguins staggering to and fro.

It is a fact that the latter held a noisy confabulation with the skua as subjectthen they advanced as a body towards it; within a few paces the foremost penguin halted and turned, and then the others pushed him on towards the skua.

Fossils of giant penguins of Eocene and Miocene ages show that there has been extremely little development since.

6 adjectives to describe  penguins