21 Verbs to Use for the Word sceptic

I am not bound to find either sceptics or spiritualists in plausible explanations.

The removal en bloc of this village from the mouth of the Hudson river to its present site should finally convince the sceptics of the magnitude of America's war effort.

At first he would refer sceptics to Christian and Jewish doctrine for confirmation of his own teaching.

Finally there will come a gifted sceptic, a second Heine, to spit and trample on the idol, as in his time did Aristophanes; he will not, however, trample on it in the name of old ideals, but in the name of freedom of thought, in the name of freedom of doubt; and what will happen then I do not know.

'Shortly after I became the happy possessor of a "crystal" I managed to convert several very decided "sceptics," and I will here give a short account of my experiences with two or three of them.

I believe that many of those who deem themselves sceptics or atheists retain, after all, enough of the divine element within them practically to refute their own words.

I write "legendary," but thereby I display myself a sceptic.

Though the thing might leave the observer cold, as a religious revival leaves the sceptic, yet he must admire.

Should any farther demonstration be necessary than the incomparable Sir Isaac has himself furnished us with, let any sceptic who doubts that the earth attracts all smaller bodies towards its centre, only take a hop from the Monument or St. Paul's, and he will soon find the power of gravitation, and die by the truth of the experiment.

But even there you might meet, and in a town congregation you would be sure to meet, clever sceptics, who know well how to argue, who will detect your fallacies and point them out to those who are not yet troubled with doubts, and thus undermine all their confidence in your teaching.

That was something like a soldier!' 'Oh, I say!' murmured a small sceptic from the crowd, 'it was twenty bullets last time; make it fifty, Teddy!'

A circumstance, however, which afterwards took place, was of a nature to stagger more obstinate sceptics: it had indeed that effect.

There speaks again the sceptic; but I shall never be so intoxicated as to lose my capacity of observation.

Beer prompted CALVERLEY'S immortal rhymes, Extolling it as utterly eupeptic; But on that point, in these exacting times, The weight of evidence supports the sceptic; Beer is not suitable for torrid climes Or if your tendency is cataleptic; But tea in moderation, freshly brewed, Was never by Sir ANDREW CLARK tabooed.

He was as eager to talk to Hume the sceptic, or Wilkes the demagogue, as to the orthodox Tory, Johnson; and, if repelled, it was from no deficiency in daring.

Since first she came to my armsa toddling sceptic of fourI have seen what she lacked, I have prayed that Iwho possessed itmight perhaps be inspired to give her the Clue....

Again and again I have urged sceptics to come and see for themselves.

"That's all very well, but don't you often get bored?" asked a sceptic.

"And your angel?" whispered a sceptic in his ear.

The poet characteristically, in Don Juan and elsewhere, attacks the sceptics, and then half ridicules the belief.

So the integrity and vehemence of Dr. Chalmers's manner, the determined way in which he gives himself up to his subject, or lays about him and buffets sceptics and gainsayers, arrests attention in spite of every other circumstance, and fixes it on that, and that alone, which excites such interest and such eagerness in his own breast!

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  sceptic