75 adjectives to describe traitor

"It is that your daughter, while pretending to be his advocate, was really in the plot against hima double traitor to him because posing as his friend.

Then Arthur of Cornwall, his son, like to a boar grim in battle, will utterly devour these false traitors, and destroy thy kinsfolk from the land.

He had informed Butler's agent; he had watched day and night; had given the Unionists plans of the grounds; was now periling his own rescue to bring the arch-traitor to his doom.

" "Thou hast betimes the look and speech of oneof one beyond all traitors vile!

The little traitors betray the great traitors.

No man can anticipate the provocations which the slave would give, nor the consequent wrath of the master, prompting him to BLOODY VENGEANCE on the turbulent traitor, a vengeance generally practised with impunity by reason of its privacy.

A PIRATE, Truly defined, is a bold traitor, for he fortifies a castle against the king.

who lately, when in an assembly of the people he was making presents to those men who appeared to him the most audacious of his band of parricidal traitors, said that he gave my property to Petissius of Urbinum, a man who, after the shipwreck of a very splendid patrimony, was dashed against these rocks of Antonius.

I'm sorean' you an' me can't live in the same place, because you're a damned traitor.

But scarcely had they retired to rest that night, when Rashleigh arrived with officers of the law, and exhibited his warrant, not only against Frederick Vernon, an attainted traitor, but also against Diana Vernon, spinster, and Francis Osbaldistone, accused of connivance at treason.

"Ah, it's well ended, Schell," exclaimed Trenck, "and I rejoice that we have had this opportunity to chastise the miserable traitors.

Moreover he was sick at heart that his lord should deem him a disloyal traitor, without just cause.

It may be a very limited aim in morality to shoot a 'many-faced and fickle traitor,' but at least it is a better aim than to be a many-faced and fickle traitor, which is a simple summary of a good many modern systems from Mr. d'Annunzio's downwards.

We are practically certain that some one in our own navy, some black-hearted traitor wearing an officer's uniformperhaps several of themis in communication with some one on shore, betraying our government's most vital secrets.

O worthless traitor, woe to thine and thee,

Let hist'ry tell where rival kings command, And dubious title shakes the madded land, When statutes glean the refuse of the sword, How much more safe the vassal than the lord; Low sculks the hind beneath the rage of power, And leaves the wealthy traitor in the Tower[c], Untouch'd his cottage, and his slumbers sound, Though confiscation's vultures hover round[d].

"And I say to you, you're a dirty traitor too," he answered.

There were few of the party of the Heads who did not think every Tractarian a dishonest and perjured traitor, equivocating about his most solemn engagements, the ignorant slave of childish superstitions which he was conspiring to bring back.

I have heard from her own lips the very guise and fashion in which you prayed and required her love, like the envious traitor that you are.

Henry broke in with bitter indignation, "Then lord I have been, and am still, and will be yetsmall thanks to you, ye evil traitors!"

AN'GLIDES (3 syl.), wife of good prince Boud'wine (2 syl.), brother to sir Mark king of Cornwall ("the falsest traitor that ever was born").

"He arrested the fell traitor; was knighted on the spot for the service, by the King; was invited afterwards to the grand banquet in the evening, and received with more distinction than any other guest; and he is now, as you find, entrusted with the custody of the prisoner.

Dost thou not blush, thou and thy fellow-traitor Marsilius, to have kissed me on the cheek like a Judas, when last thou wert in France?" Orlando had never shewn such anger in his countenance as he did that day.

This day after the close of the morning council, a foreign envoy appeared, bringing with him the fettered traitor Maouyenshow.

For what else was there which could have been ratified by treaty and mutual pledges between Antonius and Dolabella, those foul and parricidal traitors? "Nor to violate my treaty of alliance with Lepidus, the most conscientious of men.

75 adjectives to describe  traitor