49 adjectives to describe yelping

Pizarro has grown tired of imprisonment and has set up an expostulatory wail, facetiously impatient at first, but now breaking into sharp yelps.

I gave a few loud yelps to call Jim, and leaped the gate as the man before me had done.

Every now and then came a shrill yelp of mortal agony.

" So the yellow cur was put on the track, and led away with funny little yelps, while the two hunters came stumbling along behind him as fast as they could, calling, at times, to the dog not to go so fast, and thus making a good deal of noise, which Gringo Jack heard a mile away as he ambled along the mountain-side above them.

Once, as we made our way through the shrubberies, Pepper rushed in among some bushes, with a fierce yelp.

This time, from still nearer, came the shout of a man, and then of another, followed by the huskies' sharp yelping as they started afresh on the trail.

The sound of horses munching their oats, and an occasional clink, rattle, and growl from the lions did not drown the faint but unmistakable yelps of a pup.

Then he flattened himself on his belly, stretched out his forelegs, closed his eyes, and without any other sound except an occasional yelp of pain allowed Gray Wolf to go on with the operation.

Faintly from afar floated an eager yelp, telling that the chase was still in full cry.

Rab's soul was working within him; he saw something strange was going on, blood flowing from his mistress, and she suffering; his ragged ear was up and importunate; he growled and gave now and then a sharp, impatient yelp; he would have liked to have done something to that man.

With one sharp excited yelp he flew at the defiant bird.

He saw the pack bolt forward, heard the wild clamor that marked their advance, and then caught the exultant strain in their noisy yelpings, as they pounced upon the slain deer.

A few loud, angry yelps brought Archie and George to his assistance, and they immediately began to pull the pile of brush to pieces.

And a moment later he rocked back on his haunches with a little exultant yelp.

He travelled upward a little faster now, and the fierce and joyous yelping of the dogs seemed scarcely a hundred yards away when he entered a small open space in the wild upheaval of rock.

" So the yellow cur was put on the track, and led away with funny little yelps, while the two hunters came stumbling along behind him as fast as they could, calling, at times, to the dog not to go so fast, and thus making a good deal of noise, which Gringo Jack heard a mile away as he ambled along the mountain-side above them.

And 'Dolph kept to the edge of the water, leaping forward a little and anon leaping back, and at each leap emitting a futile yelp.

There is a rush, a fierce, hungry yelp, a great leap.

Little Sweeny, finding that his mule was being crowded by an Apache's horse, uttered some indignant yelps.

On the other side of the ridge of cedars the hounds treed their quarry again, as was easy to tell by their change from sharp intermittent yelping to an unbroken, full, deep chorus.

She had hardly completed these preparations when there was the sound of a door hurriedly closed downstairs, a series of joyous yelps from a dog, a rush of feet on the stairs and the door of the room gave way before the precipitate entrance of a slight, almost boyish, female person, with blue eyes, the rosiest of cheeks and a mass of yellow hair, most of which had burst from its confines beneath her hat.

The young hounds let out a string of sharp, keen yelps.

Soon their ears were greeted by a chorus of loud and angry yelping.

The mournful yelp of a distant dog floated across the black valley.

With a mystified yelp, Satan ran after them.

49 adjectives to describe  yelping