9 adverbs to describe how to blunts

On that solitary string the Barbarian is hacking heavily, with a sabre which is fortunately blunt.

"I'm obliged to you," replied Allerdyke, in his characteristically blunt fashion.

One excessively blunt, and calculated to bruise and crush the tissues, will inflict a more serious wound than one of equal length that is pointed and sharp.

The feeling of two silver half-dollars in her hard palm melted down the woman's aggressive mood, and she said, with a voice the edge whereof was mightily blunted, "Thankee!

Our honour and our sense of hospitality are both blunted nowadays.

" "You would compel me, then, and threaten starvation as the alternative?" "What odiously blunt language you use!"

My gun chanced not to be put together; and while my servant was doing it, the collector, and two medical men, who had recently arrived, came to my door, the former armed with a fowling-piece, and the latter with remarkably blunt hog-spears.

Amiable dispositions became soured, moral ideas sadly blunted, and their whole make-up seemed changed, while others who at home seemed to be of rougher mould, developed principles of justice and humanity, affection almost unbounded, and were true men in every trial and in all places.

Mynheer Van Hogsfleshor Sawney Mac Hogsflesh,or Sir Phelim O'Hogsflesh,but downright blunt.

9 adverbs to describe how to  blunts  - Adverbs for  blunts