18 Metaphors for quicker

" J. Quick was the original Bob Acres.

But Quick and Suett were the king's especial delight.

Now, quick was even the word with Mr. Moggridge, as became a successful man of business, and for him to conceive an idea was to carry it out, as goods were always delivered from Mr. Moggridge's shop, with despatch.

Quick, Suett, and Mrs. Mattocks were the reigning favourites; and, about 1800, Elliston and Fawcett became occasional stars.

In the soil prepared for it by the political confidences of the winter there had grown up a many-branching tree of intimacy between these two; a frank, sexless friendship, as Kent would have described it, in which a man who was not very much given to free speech with any one unburdened himself, and the woman made him believe that her quick, apprehending sympathy was the one thing needfulas women have done since the world began.

Quick was the little Maid's reply, "O Master!

And quick's a wink granddad punched him.

"You may be sure, little lady, it will be as I said; they'll cure me full as quick as camphire.

" "I hope, Mr. Tims, you were in better luck with Miss Mainspring?" "A leetle a leetle patience, your honour, and all will be out as quick as directlyin the twinkling of a bed-post.

Massa Tom and Frank said we'd better go as quick as eber we could.

Tenderness grows on the soil of attraction by the senses, as quick as flowers after a warm rain.

Arab jealousy is about as quick as fulminate of mercury: as unreasonable, from a western viewpoint, as a love-sick woman's.

His instruction was enlivened by countless unexpected flashes; his sallies were as quick as gunpowder.

Discourse was then almost as quick as intuition; it was nimble in proposing, firm in concluding; it could sooner determine than now it can dispute.

He was in all points high-bred and renowned for race and lineage, for his sire was Ocab and his dam Helweh, and these were horses regarded by the Arabs as quicker than lightning.

"Of course, I know you're only in joke, but there's some people can't see jokes as quick as others and they might get a wrong idea of you.

This road was made by cattle ranchers, that didn't know nothing about mining, and every miner that's gone over the trail had his mouth set to get further along as quick as possiblejust like us.

It will appear in the glass gauge, the glass will have a milky appearance and the water will seem to be running down from the top, There will be a snapping or cracking in the cylinder as quick as priming begins.

18 Metaphors for  quicker