7 adverbs to describe how to forestall

Quite a permanent servant, if not so nimble with allreasoning against "forever," is forestalled henceforth, and, Deut.

Then, fixing his gaze, not upon Lanyard, but upon the point of a pencil with which his incredibly thin fingers traced elaborate but empty designs upon the blotter, he opened his lips, hemmed in warning that he was about to speak, and seemed tremendously upset to find that Liane was inconsiderately forestalling him.

Mac was in the act of changing his place to be nearer the Colonel, when Potts adroitly forestalled him.

But in saying that we should anticipate the effects of time, I mean that we should mentally forecast what they are likely to be; I do not mean that we should practically forestall them, by demanding the immediate performance of promises which time alone can fulfill.

His plans, however, were destined to be rudely forestalled, for Cornstalk, coming rapidly through the forest, had reached the Ohio.

Milk universally forestalled and regrated in American markets.

"Pardon, Mademoiselle," I say, hurriedly, "for having involuntarily forestalled you just now.

7 adverbs to describe how to  forestall  - Adverbs for  forestall