74 adverbs to describe how to thins

Peter had an uneasy sense that this was exceedingly thin logic, a mere smoke screen behind which he meant to retreat back up North.

Talfourd, who was present at the burial of Mary Lamb, has eloquently described the earthly reunion of the brother and sister: "A few survivors of the old circle, then sadly thinned, attended her remains to the spot in Edmnonton churchyard where they were laid above those of her brother.

The being who alighted from this antiquated vehicle was tall and excessively thin, wore his own hair drawn over his almost naked head into a long thin queue, which reached half way down his back, closely cased in numerous windings of leather, or the skin of some fish.

At present it appears to be a little better patronised than formerly; but even now the congregation is comparatively thin, and there will be no necessity for some time to do anything in the shape of enlarging the building.

The seals had thinned out considerably, but were now returning in vast numbers ready for their annual domestic arrangements.

"Why are you so painfully thin?"

From the Battery position we followed the road behind Hill 123, up a glorious valley, whose sides were thickly wooded with pines, gradually thinning under the destruction wrought by Austrian shell fire and the Italian military need for timber.

His voice sounded strangely thin and remote.

The tremendous heat of the country during the summer terribly thinned the ranks of his forces, and he lost over 400 men in eighteen months.

He looked awfully thin and little in his bathing suit and whenever he climbed up to the deck of the house-boat the wet cloth stuck tight to him and made him look, oh, I don't know, kind of like a marsh rat, as you may say.

It was a matter of greater difficulty to find a second consul; the laws required that one consul should be a plebeian; and the plebeian nobility had been fearfully thinned by the events of the war.

He seemed almost a monster, with his enormous head, long nose, wide, gaping mouth, big, white, purblind eyes, very diminutive body, extraordinarily thin legs, and misshapen feet.

Taller by a head than anybody in the room except Duchemin, his figure was remarkably thin, yet not ill-proportioned.

On arrival at the hut they found poor little 'Mukaka' coiled up outside the door, looking pitifully thin and weak, but with enough energy to bark at them.

It was woefully thin, and seemed, even to his inexperience, to be insufficiently clothed, though the beaded moccasins on its tiny feet were new and good.

Cut moderately thin slices of white bread.

Ah! the blue lines are pressing on now; the cannon-shots pass over their heads into the devoted line of gray, desperately thinned, but clinging to the key of the battle-field.

The thick hedges and laurels which sheltered it had been duly thinned and trimmed, to allow the entrance of the morning sunshine.

The Boy contributed a shirt of his own, and helped Mac to put it on the incredibly thin little figure.

Perceptibly the air thinned; one's lungs were taxed to capacity here; the blood clamoured for deeper drafts, for more oxygen.

Long after noon, sheer fool's luck led him to a hamlet whose mean auberge served him bread and cheese with a wine singularly thin and acid.

He was strikingly thin.

He realized that her arms were a trifle thin, and that a tooth stood back behind the rest in the row of pearls.

You are frightfully thin" "I never was anything else.

After camping I went to the east till abreast of Pram Point, finding the ice dangerously thin off C. Armitage.

74 adverbs to describe how to  thins  - Adverbs for  thins