12 Words to use with mask

(In Black mask magazine, June 1926)

The beauty mask murder, pt.1. Illustrator: R. P. Schabelitz.

It was night, but he had taken advantage of a mask lantern which he carried with him, and which he said was the most useful article in his possession.

By his influence a revolution similar to that in France was put down, for which, at a mask ball in the Royal Opera, he was assassinated by conspiritors.

From the description we learn that boys dressed in ostrich feathers and wearing masks circle round the girl with shrill cries, but are repelled by the women.

Captain Alden's pupils narrowed, through the mask-holes, but he said nothing.

Insteadof what you are!" Mr. Heatherbloom gazed now without wincing; an unnatural absence of feeling seemed to have passed over his features, making them almost mask-like.

A moment later the startled Konrad perceived Bothwell, his mask awry, his eyes glazed and haggard.

On the other side she saw that her father's kind benign countenance was not a real face, but a mask which he wore over another face, and which, should the mask slipand she prayed that it might notwould prove as horrible and revolting as

THE FIRE IN THE FERN "But War, of its majestic mask laid bare, The face of naked Murder seemed to wear.

Its scenery bears about the same relation to the scenery of earth in general, that a skeleton's head or a grotesque mask bears to the countenance of living humanity.

We learn from another source that this bust in marble "was taken from the mask cast after his death.

12 Words to use with  mask