31 Words to use with porter

Season a porter-house steak with salt and pepper and rub with butter.

Think for a moment of the clattering of porter-pots, and the scream of my goodly hostess.

This seemed to satisfy the man, and he went down, leaving me and my porter friend in the room.

But who is that that brings a heavy loade, Behinde him on a painefull porters backe? Gen. Praie, Gentlemen, which call you Beeches shoppe? 2 Neig.

Bring this man a pint of porter and give him one of the penny buns or two that you have on the porter barrel in the shop.

Let due civilities be strictly paid: The wall surrender to the hooded maid, Nor let thy sturdy elbow's hasty rage Jostle the feeble steps of trembling age; And when the porter bends beneath his load, And pants for breath, clear thou the crowded road; But, above all, the groping blind direct, And from the pressing throng the lame protect.

And they went up Snowdon, too, and saw little beside fifty fog-blinded tourists, five-and-twenty dripping ponies, and five hundred empty porter-bottles; wherefrom they returned, as do many, disgusted, and with great colds in their heads.

This was either a porter-brewer's dray, or more probably the Van of his druggist.

" Saunders Paul was, as I have said, the innkeeper at Banchory: his friend and porter companion was drowned in the Dee, and when told that the body had been found down the stream below Crathes, he coolly remarked, "I am surprised at that, for I never kenn'd him pass the inn before without comin' in for a glass.

"Turbid" rather suits the muddy kind of inspiration which London porter confers.

Our aim, indeed, is to break up an enemy convoy, but we seek to capture the hostile porters that we may use them in our turn, all the more welcome to us for the increased usefulness that German porter discipline has given them.

Messire Benedicto me fit, en l'honneur de monseigneur de Bourgogne, beaucoup d'accueil; il me conta même que, pour porter dommage aux Vénitiens, il avoit contribué à leur faire perdre Salonique, prise sur eux par les Turcs; et certes en cela il fit d'autant plus mal que depuis j'ai vu des habitans de cette ville renier Jésus-Christ pour embrasser la loi de Mahomet.

Yet I don't make any noise, and I said nothing whatever to the door-porter downstairs, I assure you.

Whether it be a regulation of rates and prices, of hours of labor, of height of buildings, of municipal distribution of charity, of flooding a cranberry bog, or of prescribing to sleeping-car porters duties regarding the lowering of upper berths,in questions great and small, the courts vote upon the reasonableness of the use of the Police Power, like any old-fashioned town meeting.

Independently of its invigorating influence on the constitution, porter exerts a marked and specific effect on the secretion of milk; more powerful in exciting an abundant supply of that fluid than any other article within the range of the physician's art; and, in cases of deficient quantity, is the most certain, speedy, and the healthiest means that can be employed to insure a quick and abundant flow.

Add the following ingredients: eight pounds of good hops, one pound of liquorice root, two pounds of Spanish juice, half a pound of ground ginger, one pound of salt, eight ounces of hartshorn shavings, and four ounces of porter extract.

C'est que mon camarade, que je sers, m'a dit de porter cette lettre à quelqu'un qui est dans cette rue, et, comme je ne la sais pas, il m'a dit que je m'en informasse à vous ou à cet animal-; mais cet animal- ne mérite pas que je lui en parle, sinon pour l'injurier.

Compare; "Rien ne pèse tant qu'un secret: Le porter loin est difficile aux dames; Et je sais même sur ce fait Bon nombre d'hommes qui sont femmes.' (La Fontaine, Fables, viii, 6.) LE DIABLE N'Y PERD RIEN, is said of a person who restrains his feelings with difficulty, or only temporarily (Littré, "diable."

51. LE NEZ ET LES YEUX Ennuyé de porter lunettes, le ministre de l'odorat dit aux yeux: "C'est pour vous que ces dames sont faites; je me lasse enfin de leur servir de bât."

"He kick porter men an' make damn big noise outside missee tent.

Nanchardin nous fournit, pour notre monture et pour porter nos provisions, des anes et des mulets.

Il avoit avec lui un gentilhomme du duc, nommé Jean Visconti, sept autres personnes, et dix chevaux de suite, parce que, quand on voyage en Grèce, il faut porter sans exception tout ce dont on peut avoir besoin.

En voulant porter secours?... MONTRICHARD.

Waytinge on courtyers is like knocking at greate mens gatts in dynner tyme: well may a man make a noyse but hunger & hard fare keepes the porter deafe styll.

The porter system was now commenced, and from a pint to a pint and a half of this beverage was taken in the four and twenty hours.

31 Words to use with  porter