8 Words to use with valedictory

Nine years have elapsed since a predecessor in this office, now not the last, the citizen who, perhaps, of all others throughout the Union contributed most to the formation and establishment of our Constitution, in his valedictory address to Congress, immediately preceding his retirement from public life, urgently recommended the revision of the judiciary and the establishment of an additional executive department.

The packing of a small valise; the settlement of accountsjustly pronounced by Rabelais a blue-devilish process; the regulation of books and papers;in short, the whole routine of valedictory arrangements, are to me as a nightmare on the waking spirit.

This notice, which frequently is not more than three or four hours, is all that is given them; a regulation rendered necessary to obviate the bustle and confusion heretofore experienced, by their friends and relatives thronging the gates of the prison, accompanied by valedictory exclamations at the departure of the van in which they are conveyed.

His very art, as I shall have later to emphasize, is an art of farewell; but, apart from that general quality, it seemed to me, though, indeed, it may have been mere sympathetic fancy, that in these last New York performances, as in the performances last spring in London, I heard a personal valedictory note.

"To gain the valedictory oration was one goal that I had said I would attain to.

Her account of the farewell moments was not without a certain amount of pathos, several other mothers and their boys being involved in the valedictory scene.

Recognition of services faithfully done is an endless task; but Mr. Punch is glad to print the valedictory tribute of one of the boys in blue to a V.A.D.a class that has come in for much undeserved criticism.

On the contrary, to any but a Roman mother his valedictory words, taken in connexion with the known determination of his character, were of a nature to consummate her depression, as they tended to confirm the very worst of her fears.

8 Words to use with  valedictory