5 Words to use with wainscot

Dorcas, in our absence, tried to get at the wainscot-box in the dark closet.

The great chamber, with its shadowy bed, dark mirrors, ghostly wainscot-doors and narrow windows, had not been brightened for a long time by such a charming little apparition as Amy when she shook out her airy muslins, smoothed her curls, and assumed all manner of distracting devices for the captivation of mankind.

in thy anguish What is there left to thee? Only the sea intoning Only the wainscot-mouse Only the wild wind moaning Over the lonely house!" Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Poems, (1882).

"Some of the wainscot panels rattle a bit, but I imagine the house will stand it unless you go in too much for Wagner. 'Tannhäuser' or 'Siegfried' might shake a few beams loose, but lighter music, I think, can be indulged in with impunity.

Now Cecil is housed as you preferred, Raymondin the wainscot-rooms.

5 Words to use with  wainscot