30 collocations for ameliorate

"His Majesty would order reforms and ameliorate the condition of his people, if only it were possible.

So we believe America was discovered, not so much to furnish a field for indefinite material expansion, with European arts and fashions,which would simply assimilate America to the Old World, with all its dangers and vices and follies,but to introduce new forms of government, new social institutions, new customs and manners, new experiments in liberty, new religious organizations, new modes to ameliorate the necessary evils of life.

That the repeated efforts of the home Government and the local Legislature, for several successive years previous to 1834, to ameliorate the system of slavery, seconded by the labors of clergymen and missionaries, teachers and catechists, to improve the character of the slaves, failed to arrest the current of vice and profligacy.

A lie, he thought, might ameliorate the situation, and he bravely hazarded a prodigious one.

And one's reward the pleasure and appreciation our men showed at these attempts to ameliorate their lot.

The son's attitude certainly did not tend to ameliorate the father's position.

No, surely heav'n design'd it more to ameliorate The lonely state of humankind, when first He form'd a mate.

The second pretext that is audaciously brought forward to solicit our good will towards the South, is that it has just ameliorated the Federal institutions.

"Is there anything I can do toto ameliorate your imprisonment?" He looked at her in a bewildered way.

In her great grief she retired to the solitude of her own chamber, and refused to see any face save that of Mrs. Austin, who from this period became her sole attendant, even after time had somewhat ameliorated the first agony incident to her condition.

This again will be still worse than the galleys; since religious consolation can alone redeem or ameliorate man in this state of durance; and as this makes no part of the French system, I cannot help thinking the guillotine more merciful, than either their bagne or their solitary cells.

They are "a discipline of humanity," and may sometimes ameliorate even a coarse and vulgar nature, just as the cherub faces of innocent and happy children are sometimes found to soften and purify the corrupted heart.

Nor could the Government take any direct steps to ameliorate the overcrowding on the Underground railways.

The Poles are a wonderfully sympathetic and warm-hearted people, and are anxious to ameliorate the bitter poverty which exists here to an enormous extent.

Frankly, it does not tend to ameliorate the relation between us.

The apprehension may be well entertained that without something to ameliorate the rigor of cash payments the entire import trade may fall into the hands of a few wealthy capitalists in this country and in Europe.

The religious public of this city appear to be doing nothing collectively, to abolish or ameliorate slavery, and with the exception of "Friends," and the body who have lately seceded from them, I fear that all are more or less implicated in its actual guilt.

Those who are accustomed to calculate everything at so much per cent, are not likely to be reassured by the sight of a few desperadoes, who wish to ameliorate a corrupt society by eradicating from it the cancer of privilege and falsehood, especially when these desperadoes, few as they are, and with neither three-hundred-pounders nor ironclads, fling themselves against a power believed to be gigantic, like that of the Bourbon.

Did it inspire those who heard it with the desire to win, to sustain, to ameliorate other souls?

He is not prompted by any visionary ideas of ameliorating his species.

It was thus that the intelligent Marimonda, after having borrowed from the numerous vegetables of the island their leaves, to ameliorate her sufferings, to heal her wounds; their fruits for her nourishment and even for her sports, also found means to obtain the divers utensils for house-keeping of which she stood in need.

A large portion of this heat is stored up in the surface soil, and especially in the surface layer of the oceans and seas, thus partly equalising the temperatures of day and night, of winter and summer, so as greatly to ameliorate the rapid changes of temperature that would otherwise occur.

How many original ideas, how many sublime thoughts, how many means of ameliorating the woes of the Philippines!

I have seen the gradual working of what I call happiness and success in ameliorating character.

Impatient and sick-hearted, I saw day after day glide past, without an effort on his part to explain or ameliorate my conditionone now of excessive and wearing anxiety.

30 collocations for  ameliorate