428 collocations for confounding

It is said of Pericles, that with thundering and lightning he put Greece into confusion; such discourse may serve to confound things, it seldom tendeth to compose them.

To prevent the tribunes from carrying their law, the younger patricians thronged to the assemblies and interfered with all proceedings; Terentilius, they said, was endeavoring to confound all distinction between the orders.

"Do you know, old chap," he said, "I expect I seem a fool to you; but it's the fools who confound the wise, isn't it?

Thou art silent? I have heard much concerning thy wisdom, and the religion thou teachest, let me hear thee answer and confound thy enemies.

"Confound the fellow!"

" "Confound your impudence, you infernal young jackanapes!" bellowed out Colonel Washington.

"It's those confounded Main-top men!" cried Jack Vance; "I will pay them out.

Another abuse of language is an AFFECTED OBSCURITY; by either applying old words to new and unusual significations; or introducing new and ambiguous terms, without defining either; or else putting them so together, as may confound their ordinary meaning.

Mr. Charteris, as we have seen, attributed it to Fate; and, assuredly, there must be a special providence of some kind that presides over country housesa freakish and whimsical providence, which hugely rejoices in confounding one's sense of time and direction.

[200] It seems singular that the author of this play should confound two such persons as the Shoemaker of Bradford, who made all comers "vail their staves," and George-a-Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield; yet such is the case in the text.

For a man cannot confound the ideas in his mind, which he has distinct: that would be to have them confused and distinct at the same time, which is a contradiction: and to have none distinct, is to have no use of our faculties, to have no knowledge at all.

A prophet and a pilgrim, being the incredible history of Thomas Lake Harris and Laurence Oliphant: their sexual mysticisms and Utopian communities amply documented to confound the skeptic.

To confound slavery with involuntary service is absurd.

No wonder Luis Vives complained in his De Causis Corruptarum Artium, The moderns confound the arts by reason of their resemblance, and of two that are very much opposed to each other make a single art.

It is the folly of the world, constantly, which confounds its wisdom.

A godlike nature cannot confound truth with falsehood, though it may mistake falsehood for truth.

Lucius Cincius Alimentus, who relates that he was made prisoner by Hannibal, would influence me most as an authority, did he not confound the number by adding the Gauls and Ligurians.

She had confounded the principles of Friends with those of some wild persons who had gone about the country spreading ranterism, and giving the people the idea that they were of our Society.

Yet, in consequence of dry seasons and low prices, we were hardly able to pay our bills, whereas the Swiggarts confounded all laws of cause and effect by living in comparative splendour and luxury.

The difficulties in the syntax of the French participle in ant, which corresponds to ours in ing, are apparently as great in themselves, as those which the syntax of the English word presents; but they result from entirely different causes, and chiefly from the liability there is of confounding the participle with the verbal adjective, which is formed from it.

Here Baxter confounds his own particular case, which very many would have coveted, with the sufferings of other prisoners on the same score;sufferings nominally the same, but with few, if any, of Baxter's almost flattering supports.

But confound the make-believe women we have turned loose in our streets!where do they come from?

you damn'd confounded Dog, I am to rise and speak the Epilogue.

There are scarce any of them that are not cumbered with some difficulties (such is the imperfection of human knowledge,) which they have been fain to cover with obscurity of terms, and to confound the signification of words, which, like a mist before people's eyes, might hinder their weak parts from being discovered.

By reducing imagination to the power of forming images, and by insisting that no image can be formed except out of the elements furnished by experience, I do not mean to confound imagination with memory; indeed, the frequent occurrence of great strength of memory with comparative feebleness of imagination, would suffice to warn us against such a conclusion.

428 collocations for  confounding