64 collocations for gulped

" He paused to gulp down a glass of wine, of which I thought he had already drunk too much.

"Why else should he be gulping t' brandy?

" "Our wills," said Peter, gulping his words, "will be proved on the same day.

Beneath, the shy and stately pickerel vanishes at a glance, shoals of minnows glide, black and bearded pouts frisk aimlessly, soft water-lizards hang poised without motion, and slender pickerel-frogs cease occasionally their submerged croaking, and, darting to the surface with swift vertical strokes, gulp a mouthful of fresh air, and down again to renew the moist soliloquy.

He gulped down his tea and stared at the opposite wall in deep thought.

For a momentfrom Zeally's manner" He gulped down the drink.

She staggered up to them, panting, exhausted, her breath coming in gulping sobs.

AN OLD TWENTY-THIRD MAN "Is that the Three-and-Twentieth, Strabo mine, Marching below, and we still gulping wine?" From the sad magic of his fragrant cup The red-faced old centurion started up, Cursed, battered on the table.

" Dawson gulped down a cup of coffee, sadly regarded his rapidly congealing bacon, and skipped off to the dockyard.

The barbarians making a charge upon them, they drank and fought at the same time; and some who were wounded gulped down together the water and the blood that flowed into their helmets.

When any of the fishes give signs of sickness or suffocation, by coming to the surface and gulping air, they may be revived by having the water aerated by pouring it out repeatedly from a little elevation, or by a syringe.

She took the bottle from her pocket again and gulped down the rest of its contents.

He took my untouched glass of Dr. Funk, and gulped the mixture, nervously.

He gulped down his coffee, choking.

"My dear child, what is the matter with you?" said Russell, affectionately taking his hand, "surely you're not offended at my nonsense?" Eric had not liked to speak while Montagu was by, but now he gulped down his rising emotion, and briefly told them of Bull's vile words the night before.

She wished to convey that hysteria had been abroad in the night, and I readily gulped the explanation down, though it could not satisfy me in the smallest degree.

He gulps down the raw facts from the newspapers or elsewhere, and then, in his leisure moments, he calmly regurgitates them and has a quiet chew at them.

He read about the Retreat and the Advance, skimmed the prophets' forecasts, gulped the communiques with interest a good deal fainter than he read the accounts of the football matches or a boxing bout.

And this, although his customer never threw him a glance, scowled at a newspaper, barked out an order, gulped his food, stuck a fair-sized tip under the edge of his plate, and jerked himself away.

" "I will, sir,I will tell you," said Mr. Jinks, gulping down one-fourth of his glass of rum; "

Eric, gulping down his fury with a great effort, turned to his opponent, and said coolly, "Is that what you always do to new fellows?"

The old man gulped down his grief and made his communication in a few hurried sentences.

" The cruel agony stabbed his side again and again as henot unaidedgot upon his feet; and though he managed to gulp down his groans, no grinding of his teeth could mitigate his recurrent pallor or the pained contractions of his eyes.

It was only by a strong effort that Mark gulped down his rising indignation, and replied civilly.

she remarked, after gulping down the first instalment.

64 collocations for  gulped