Do we say anyway or anyways

anyway 2761 occurrences

"Who are you, anyway?" bluntly demanded the man with the steel hook.

Where did this ship and its precious gang of cutthroats come from, anyway?" "Meaning me?" "Oh, meaning you too, for all I know," he shrugged wearily.

I blessed that illusion, anyway.

"Well, where are we bound, anyway?"

"What is it, anyway?"

Anyhow, I have, and I am perfectly sure they heard me, and I am sure I don't care in the least, and it's all your fault, anyway.

" "Oh, Rudolph is just a jackass-fool, anyway."

II could teach musicor take in washingor something, anyway.

And I don't particularly care about your opinion of me, anyway.

And anyway, Miss Beggs says there's always some good to be found in everybody.

" What is a bad desire, anyway?

"But I guess it was all bunk; here you are back again, anyway.

"Well, Mr. Lester," he said, as he struck a match, "what do you think of these Frenchmen, anyway?"

" "He certainly held trumps this time, anyway," I commented.

I'll go straight up and give you a knockdownI want to, anyway.

"I can't go far; I 'most always try to be home in time to help Aunt Mavity put supper on the table, or anyway to wash up the dishes for her," the girl replied to him.

He had never liked "doctoring" anyway, although he had submitted to it more or less during the past year in unconscious subservience to his desire to increase his popularity; but now he fancied that where once he had been served as a king by all these female attendants, he was simply being "pestered" as a punishment for his past behavior with Blossy.

Of course you'll look around and get other estimates, but anyway I'd be glad to take the measurements and give you our figures.

" "I'd try it anyway," said the elder Farwell.

" "All right, old man; I'm not sure that I follow you; but, anyway, I may be of some use.

It has a lot to its credit; but it has been much like big business in other places, and, anyway, the admitted great profits have enriched the foreigner, not the Mexican.

Anyway, it's on the right track.

Anyway, I'm a thiefmake the most of thatbut I'm not a devil from hell, God strike me dead.

I'm master of my own ideas, anyway, thank God.

He was a pink little man, anyway, the Reverend Archibald Crane, and why, in the inscrutability of its wisdom, the Church had sent him out to influence strong, grim men, the Church in its inscrutable wisdom only knows.

anyways 54 occurrences

Not 'til it's paid for, anyways.

When it got three thousand, I was going to tell you, anyways.

Your week's gone in breakage, anyways, and he'll split up the place when he comes.

I don't want it said in this town, that's down on me, anyways, that Kit Scogin put ideas in Hanna Long's head.

Back there, anyways, I had a home.

"The ten-thirty train's always 'bout half an hour late, anyways.

He did suppose he might have stayed there till now if he had been anyways inclined.

Anyways, I just thought myself a little mite cleverer and handsomer and better than the rest o' the family.

Anyways, sink or swim, I'll hev no man gittin' his knife into me.

Anyways, she leaks a bit.

Anyways, we come down to the events of yesterday and to-day.

"Anyways, if this ain't torment, and if Barker ain't Beelzebub himself, I'm a liar.

Of course it would be better to trip him up on this case, but if you can get hold of something else Luke has done that can be proved anyways shady it would be four aces and the joker.

Anyways I couldn't see him very good, I admit that.

I couldn't anyways get it out of my mind.

I should feel as if I was a hypocrite if I acted anyways different.

We can't git away till to-morry, anyways.

" "I tell you" "I thought you'd be going to one of 'em anyways.

Anyways," with a breath of deep relief, "I'm glad it ain't that red clay from the hill.

Like as not you'll get it anyways, if he's mad.

" "Well, anyways, that's what she done.

Anyways, it's an opening.

Dere may be more'n dat now, but anyways dere is five generations livin'.

He's bound to end 'em anyways, and we are twenty-two shillin' the better for lettin' of en go to the kennels.

"After the Reformation,[20]I desire to know whether the conduct of the clergy was anyways altered for the better, &c." Monstrous misrepresentation.

Do we say   anyway   or  anyways