20 examples of bitin in sentences

"What in the devil was bitin' you, Morse?

What's bitin' yer?" He unlocked the door and threw it open.

" "What's bitin' you?"

Lieutenant Skaggs, leggo my leg an' stop bitin' me.

When anybody says anything to me I tell 'em straight they'd oughter be ashamed of themselves, back-bitin' and slanderin'.

Sich dreadful swears as he giv, mum, a walkin' up and down an' a crushing his fingers like, and a bitin' his teeth together, and then he stops in front of me, and says in an awful theatur voice, 'Tell her,' says he, 'that I'll come,' and he giv me a kick, mum, as boosted me clear to the sidewalk, and I see plainly as he had more remarks of that same kind to deliver, and I edged off at about five miles an hour.

She's got all the teeth she wants for bitin'.

She was old, an' thin, an' hard-lookin'; her mouth was pale an' sot, like she was bitin' somethin' all the time; an' her eyes, though they was sunk into her head, seemed to look through an' through an' away out th' other side

Had to go up a tree to keep em from bitin' you.

Five or six or seven hounds bitin' you on every side and a man settin' on a horse holding a doubled shotgun on you.

You can't know how they came a-flyin' by day an' by night in great brown clouds; how they crept an' crawled an' squirmed through the wheat an' the corn an' the grass, bitin' an' chewin' every green thing, leavin' nothin' but black an' dry shreds, an' the earth more desolate than if a fire had swept over it.

Ah! that was a bitin' thought.

"A man durs'n't spake for fear o' bitin' his tongue off.

I don't, nor you needn't, no more than other folk; for the tongue, be it never so bitin', it can't draw blood, mind ye, and hard words break no bones; and I'll make a cup o' teaye like a cup o' teaand we'll take a cup together, and ye'll chirp up a bit, and see how pleasant and ruddy the sun shines on the lake this evening.

For instance, it has been held that a dog has a right to protect not only his life but his dignity; that where a man worries a dog beyond what would be reasonable to expect any self respectin' critter to stand, that dog has a right to bite that man, an' that man can't collect any damagesprovided the bitin' is done at the time of the worryin' an' in sudden heat an' passion.

Don't be bitin' the nose off me that way.

" "Why, W.B.Y. is for 'What's bitin' you?'

What's bitin' you, anyway?" "Let's give him the third, fellas.

'Weel,' he said slowly, judicially, 'it's maybe a peety to fecht aboot a trifle like that, an' we canna permit kickin', clawin' an' bitin' in this genteel estayblishment; but seein' it's a dull evenin', an' jist for to help for to pass the time, I'll len' ye ma auld boxin' gloves, an' ye can bash awa' till ye're wearit.

"Would ye mind heftin' that 'ere coin in your handfeelin' it, bitin' it, scrapin' it with a knife, and kinder seem' how it compares with other coins?"

20 examples of  bitin  in sentences