50 examples of cheer on in sentences

He 'low dere'll be trubble, but he tells us ter be of good cheer on account of hevin' him ter git de victry fer us, an' ef we keep singin' all de time, dere ain't no time fer sighs.

He kept recognising this and that in the landscape, with an effect of good cheer on both of them.

And I formerly supposed that it exhorted and encouraged me to continue the pursuit I was engaged in, as those who cheer on racers, so that the dream encouraged me to continue the pursuit I was engaged in, namely, to apply myself to music, since philosophy is the highest music, and I was devoted to it.

Arminius, with a chosen band of personal retainers round him, cheered on his countrymen by voice and example.

"Whenever I stuck my head into a corridor the soldiers would set up a cheer on seeing my side whiskers.

The Chancellor made a most excellent speech in moving the first reading of the Regency Bill, and was cheered on both sides of the House.

At the van, arose cheer on cheer, "Marmion!

John well cheered on his entrance, but not so warmly as to make me quite secure for the lecture.

A robin, who had fluttered in at dusk, and found Christmas cheer on the holly boughs and warmth for his numbed little feet, trilled a song of gratitude that winter had made such speed to be gone.

Even the editors of professedly religious papers, cheer on the méleé and sing the triumphs of the victor.

He tried hard for his life, plunged into the sluice, and, with a bullet in his shoulder, and the blood hounds unfleshing his bones, he bore up for a moment with feeble stroke as best he might, but 'public opinion,' 'succeeded in drowning him,' and the same 'public opinion,' calls the man who fired and crippled him, and cheered on the dogs, 'a gentleman,' and the editor who celebrates the exploit is a 'gentleman' also!"

Even the editors of professedly religious papers, cheer on the méleé and sing the triumphs of the victor.

He tried hard for his life, plunged into the sluice, and, with a bullet in his shoulder, and the blood hounds unfleshing his bones, he bore up for a moment with feeble stroke as best he might, but 'public opinion,' 'succeeded in drowning him,' and the same 'public opinion,' calls the man who fired and crippled him, and cheered on the dogs, 'a gentleman,' and the editor who celebrates the exploit is a 'gentleman' also!"

But love can accomplish miracles, and it made the eccentric lady strong, buoying up her spirits, and prompting her to cheer on the coachman, until just as the day grew rosy in the east Leominster appeared in view.

In his engagement with the united fleets of Cambaya and Egypt, he had his legs and thighs shattered by chain-shot, but instead of retreating to the back, he had himself bound to the shipmast, where he "waved his sword to cheer on the combatants," till he died from loss of blood.

ALMEYDA, the Portuguese Governor of India, had his legs and thighs shattered in a similar way, and caused himself to be bound to the ship's mast, that he might wave his sword to cheer on the combatants.

The very people who had most gleefully cheered on those gladiators became serious at the consequence.

Their headmen walked up and down behind their warriors, exhorting them to go in close, to shoot straight, and to bear themselves well in the fight; while throughout the action the whites opposite Cornstalk could hear his deep, sonorous voice as he cheered on his braves, and bade them "be strong, be strong.

Ghosts, witches, hobgoblins fell into the procession of pursuers, cheered on by the shrieking wind that grew more noisome as her feet carried her higher up the mountain.

But if he finds that I am right, then let him learn in what sort of man he is trustingwhat sort of champion of truth this religious press has cheered on.

The chevalier, brilliant as ever, kept his guest in continual merriment, whom he was soon to make so serious; and Caméran's ardour was divided between the good cheer on the table and the play that was to follow.

Presently it occurred to the youngster that he ought to cheer on his fellow-travellers.

He cheered himself up on these occasions by slyly licking the churn-dasher; but the good cheer on the dasher was a stimulant that left him more miserable than it found him.

Frank raised his ax and rushed forward to his assistance, and cheered on the dog with a voice which, to save his life, he could not raise above a whisper.

He paused but an instant on the string-piece, and then, cheered on by the amused crowd, he made a flying leap across the intervening stretch of water and landed safely on the deck.

50 examples of  cheer on  in sentences