252 examples of grovel in sentences

Grovel on the earth!

The sub-prefect, who was named Censier, comes in, and does not know whether he ought to salute or to question, to grovel in the dust or to keep his hat on his head.

Old priests, and cripples that grovel and pray at altars, and tattered beggars that die of cold and hunger.

V. cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, bend the knee; fall on one's knees, prostrate oneself; worship &c 990. sneak, crawl, crouch, cower, sponge, truckle to, grovel, fawn, lick the feet of, kiss the hem of one's garment, kiss one's ass [Vulg.], suck up. pay court to; feed on, fatten on, dance attendance on, pin oneself upon, hang on the sleeve of, avaler les couleuvres

disgrace oneself, dishonor oneself, demean oneself; derogate, stoop, grovel, sneak, lose caste; sell oneself, go over to the enemy; seal one's infamy.

Then the two ladies who looked beheld Houdaine fall down at the feet of Sir Tristram and grovel there with joy.

The painter shows the Angelic Doctor enthroned amid saints and patriarchs and heavenly attendants, while three powerful heretics grovel at his feet, and beneath are the Sciences and Moral Qualities and certain distinguished men who served them conspicuously, such as Aristotle, the logician, whom S. Thomas Aquinas edited, and Cicero, the rhetorician.

The microbe of anarchy finds an excellent culture-ground in minds which grovel before the goddess Káli.

European Slavery is indeed a State of Liberty, if compared with that which prevails in the other three Divisions of the World; and therefore it is no Wonder that those who grovel under it have many Tracks of Light among them, of which the others are wholly destitute.

His morbid feelings droop and cling to the earth, grovel where they should soar; and throw a dead weight on every aspiration of the soul after the good or beautiful.

These grovel for nuts like the Hampshire hog, or impiously celebrate the fruitage by which man fell.

History and Mr. LEGGE suggest that he will be willingeven enthusiasticto grovel in the dust to assist that occasion.

I could prove, in short, that if we behold a handful of rich and powerful men seated on the pinnacle of fortune and greatness, while the crowd grovel in obscurity and want, it is merely because the first prize what they enjoy but in the same degree that others want it, and that, without changing their condition, they would cease to be happy the minute the people ceased to be miserable.

"He'll call any man 'master' for a quarter, or 'God' for half a dollar; for a dollar he'll grovel at your feet, and for a cast-off coat you can buy an option on his immortal soul,if he has one!

When the pride of intellect and caste is broken; when we grovel in the dust of humiliation; when sickness and sorrow come, and the shadow of death falls upon us, and there is no hope elsewhere,we turn to God, who sometimes swallows the insult, and answers the appeal.

People fight and scrambleyes, and grovel in the mudfor what they think is gold; and when they've got it, it's only the basest alloy.

Beneath the footstool of this "dumb ox of Sicily," as he was called, grovel the heresiarchsArius, Sabellius, Averroes.

"From libel, come libeled, libeler, libeling, libelous; from grovel, groveled, groveler, groveling; from gravel, graveled and graveling."See

Are you to be happy, while I grovel in the intensity of my wretchedness?

It seemed foolish to grovel before a piece of fireworks.

"I hate princes and princesses, and do not understand how they can endure to have men kneel and grovel before them.

Naked, abject, let him fare As the lowest of the herd: There, while chains his body gird, Let him grovel and so die: For Daria, too, hard by Is another public place, Shameful home of worse disgrace, Where imprisoned let her lie: If, relying on the powers Of her beauty, her vain pride Dreamed of being my son's bride, Never shall she see that hour.

Discovering the blunder, the key was again given, but the singers were now getting nervous, and instead of rising, they went still lower, as they sang, "Look how we grovel here below.

Not a tremor of body or soul, not a pang of physical or spiritual fear, but she had passed through them, in common with the man she upheld; a man who, like Louis the Well-Beloved, former master of the building beneath whose shadow she was sitting, was ready to grovel for her pardon, when threatened with a priest and the last terrors, and would have recalled his mistress, rejoicing, with the first day of recovered health.

He felt that he must speak, must grovel to herrepeat some of the things he had said in his letter.

252 examples of  grovel  in sentences