12 examples of indulgencies in sentences

Having been early left an orphan by both parents, he received an hardy and robust education, not tempered by the elegancies of literature, nor much allayed by the indulgencies of natural affection.

One while by bulls, pardons, indulgencies, and their doctrines of good works, that they be meritorious, hope of heaven, by that means they have so fleeced the commonalty, and spurred on this free superstitious horse, that he runs himself blind, and is an ass to carry burdens.

No perils can come in any degree of competition with those of being deprived of that, nor any indulgencies of fortune compensate for the loss of it:pardon then this enforced disobedience, and believe it is the only thing in which I could be guilty of it.

The chariot brought on the necessity of a footmana better acquaintancewax candlesSherryMadeiraFrench Wines, &c. In short, I grew so fond of these indulgencies that they became WANTS, and I was unhappy when in town and out of the reach of them.

Rajan had two indulgencies smoking and chewing `Halls' sweets.

He frequently fell into indulgencies, which cost him many a pang of remorse, and under the conviction of the danger of a vicious life, he wrote his Christian Hero, with a design to fix upon his own mind a strong impression of virtue and religion.

It has been my Custom, as I grow old, to allow my self in some little Indulgencies which I never took in my Youth.

During which hour and power of darkness, many complied with the enemy, by taking oaths and bonds, indulgencies and toleration, and because so remiss in this matter, that it was all one to them which government had the ascendant, so they might enjoy their worldly accommodations.

Friar Pedro (Peter)Is that the way you cancel indulgencies?

"On learning of all the indulgences that the Archbishop had allowed on your books, to allure buyers, old Peter, thumping his bald head, exclaimed: "'Why did I not think of granting indulgencies with the fish I sold, when a fisherman?

They must give the pregnant women more indulgencies.

Now it was to be apprehended that they could not do these things, without seeing the political advantages which would arise to themselves from so doing; and that, reasoning upon this, they might be induced to go on to give them greater indulgencies, rights, and privileges in time.

12 examples of  indulgencies  in sentences