30 examples of pawnshop in sentences

Here was the pawnshop, the windows of which were already packed.

For the freak he had just indulged was rank quixotism, something which had as much place in the code of a man of his calling as milk of human kindness in the management of a pawnshop.

She knew what a pawnshop was, her father being often out of a job owing to potter's asthma; and she had some knowledge of cookery, and was in particular very good at boiling potatoes.

[Fr.], pawnshop, my uncle's. lender, pawnbroker, money lender; usurer, loan shark.

"Where?" "At a well-known pawnshop on the Bowery." "Did you learn who left it?" asked Mrs. Hamilton eagerly.

" "Fust thing I did arter breakfast," ses Sam, "I took that di'mond ring to a pawnshop and found out it wasn't a di'mond ring.

We bought various things, and as we staggered with our purchases into the cabin, which now resembles nothing so much as an overcrowded pawnshop, Mrs. Murray remarked (we are on speaking terms again)

By following her to a pawnshop, Lecoq discovered that she had redeemed certain valuable articles of jewelry belonging to Madame Fauvel.

When, after an hour's weary drag to a remote end of the town, she had arrived at the pawnshop where was preserved the handsome clock of the distressed lady, and had confidently presented the ticket and the necessary money, the man had looked awhile perplexed.

A Portuguese Jew had them in a pawnshop, and he said he bought them from a chink for seven Mex dollars.

Passing a little pawnshop, I left my waistcoat, and went on, richer by ninepence, and I foresaw that my jacket would go next, in fact that I should be lucky if I got to Dover in a shirt and a pair of trousers.

I believe those things were worth the terror of the pawnshop.

A week arterwards, as Ginger was being 'elped out of a pawnshop by Peter, he said 'e would give all he 'adn't got for the locket to be near enough to Sam to hear 'im

I wonder if there's a pawnshop anywhere near.

"There is but little light, and portable property in that house in Clapham that has escaped my lamentable improvidence, but there are one or two thingsthe iron-bound chest, the bureau with a broken hinge, and the large air pumpdistinctly pawnable if only you can contrive to get them to a pawnshop.

The magic pawnshop.

The magic pawnshop.

Charles Addams (A); 2Jun69; R462673. Elderly gentleman carrying his girl friend into a pawnshop.

The magic pawnshop.

The magic pawnshop.

Charles Addams (A); 2Jun69; R462673. Elderly gentleman carrying his girl friend into a pawnshop.

DANNUX Was it to the pawnshop you sent him?

Didn't I disgrace myself by goin' into a pawnshop for you? PATCHA

To judge Belgium by them is like judging an American town by the worst of its back streets, where saloons and pawnshops are numerous and red lights twinkle from dark doorways.

"Yes," ses Ginger, leading the way downstairs; "in a pawnshop.

30 examples of  pawnshop  in sentences