80 examples of junker in sentences

The arrogance, the insolence, of the Junker officer, his aristocratic pretension, his bearish manners, have made him a byword, not only in his own country but all over Europe; and his belief in sheer militarism and Jingo imperialism has made him a menace.

However the blame may be apportioned between the Junker and commercial classes, it is clear that, fired by the Bismarckian programme, and greatly overstretching it, they played into each other's hands.

If expansion from the point of view of Junker ambition had been desirable before, the same from the point of view of the financial and trading classes was doubly so now.

But behind it all lay the sinister influence of the "junker" element of Germanythe military party, swollen with pride in the development of the German army by more than forty years of preparation for conflict, and the naval party, eager for "der Tag" which should bring a trial of the new German navy against the battle fleets of an enemy.

The work of Burton, Junker, Speke, and Stanley.

Here, far better expressed than in the Kaiser's speeches, we see the spirit of the Prussian Junker at its best.

Bismarck was a Junker of Junkers.

But Bismarck was able to do what he did because he had the backing of the king and the great land-owning Junker class.

This works in two ways often accounted opposite; and explains both the German Socialist and the Junker.

Now the Prussian Junker, blind with fury, Claims to be God's counsel, judge and jury, While the authentic German genius slumbers, Cast into the limbo of back numbers.

The Conservative Press had searched out the inflammatory speeches of the war lords and the junker politicians.

Color and human nature; Negro personality development In a northern city, by W. Lloyd Warner, Buford H. Junker & Walter A. Adams.

The Junker in the Prussian administration under William II, 1888-1914.

Der Aufruhr urn dan Junker Ernst.

Marion Florence Lansing (A); 18Oct57; R200505. Junker Oeorge.

JUNKER, BUFORD H. Color and human nature.

Color and human nature; Negro personality development In a northern city, by W. Lloyd Warner, Buford H. Junker & Walter A. Adams.

"On the very first day," writes Junker, "I heard the small band which plays at dinner, during the stay of the Elector at Mergentheim.

What Junker himself saw of the harmony and brotherly love which marked the social intercourse of the members of the Chapel was confirmed to him by the statements of others.

" Doubtless, Herr Junker, judging from the enthusiasm with which you have written, it would have been so; and for our sake, as well as your own, we heartily wish you had remained!

Though, perhaps, wanting in some of the graces and refinements of polite life, it is clear, from his intimacy with the Breuning family, his consequent familiarity with the best society at Bonn, the unchanging kindness of Count Waldstein, the explicit testimony of Junker, that he was not, could not have been, the young savage which some of his blind admirers have represented him.

The pastor of the small towns and villages, who is very much under the thumb of the local Junker or rich manufacturer, has as his highest ambition the hope that he and his wife may be invited to coffee at least twice a year.

The Agrarian, the great Junker of Prussia, not only will not make sacrifices, but stubbornly insists upon wringing every pfennig of misery money from the nation which has boasted to the world that its patriotism was unselfish and unrivalled.

Unlike the Junker, he has not a long purse.

Herr von Oldenburg, a prominent Junker M.P., once said if he were the Kaiser he would send a Prussian lieutenant and ten men to close up the Reichstag.

80 examples of  junker  in sentences