130 examples of marseillaises in sentences

They hadn't got any further than a grand patriotic demonstration, with the military, drums beating, flags flying, and the Marseillaise being howled by an excited crowd.

In France the Marseillaise has become the national Him; while, in Prussia, BISMARCK is decidedly the national Herr.

The band was playing over and over again, at short intervals, God Save the King, the Marcia Reale, the Marseillaise, the Brabançonne and the Marcia degli Alpini.

The drums beat, a military band strikes up the "Marseillaise."

[Footnote 106: This Milliere, formerly an advocate and writer on the Marseillaise, was a native of St-Etienne, and fifty-four years of age, a cool speaker, and advocate of advanced ideas, that got him several imprisonments.

Rude's masterpiece, "The Marseillaise," is untouched.

Chests out, chins raised, mouths open like black holes, shouting the Marseillaise.

It has not stayed in men's memories like the "Marseillaise"; no doubt it expressed the prosaic, middle-class spirit of the National Guard, which kept a King upon the throne, in his own way just as determined as his predecessors to rule in the interests of his family.

Who does not remember how the "Marseillaise" was born, or how Burns's "Scots wha ha' wi' Wallace bled," or the story of Moore's taking the old "Red Fox March," and giving it a new immortality as "Let Erin remember the days of old," while poor Emmett sprang up and cried, "Oh, that I had twenty thousand Irishmen marching to that tune!"

Here a door opened, whispers were exchanged, it closed with a bang, a bell rang, an organ in the street struck up "The Marseillaise," and ere it had played eight bars, Maud was on the stairs again looking, to Dick's admiring eyes, like an angel in a bonnet coming straight down from heaven.

Some have brown mothers, half-islanders; yet if they learn the tripping tongue of their French progenitor and European manners, they think of France as their ultimate goal, of Paris their playground, and the "Marseillaise" their himene par excellence.

" Before we parted we sang the "Marseillaise" and the "Star-Spangled Banner."

In the streets people were singing the Marseillaise, waving tricolored bunting, and hurrahing for the Republic.

They'll sing their Marseillaise for a time and shout themselves hoarse.

It was the hymn of the Marseillaise.

Il chanta la Marseillaise \ (literary).

| He sang the Marseillaise.

Il a chanté la Marseillaise | (coloquial) / Il chantait.

Histoires marseillaises, galéjades et proverbes de Provence.

La musique francaise de la Marseillaise a la mort de Berlioz.

Histoires marseillaises, galéjades et proverbes de Provence.

The have not even a 'Wacht am Rhein' or 'Marseillaise' to chaunt in chorus with quickened step and flashing eye.

DIETRICH, mayor of Strasburg, at whose request Rouget de Lisle composed the "Marseillaise"; was guillotined (1748-1793).

ROUGET DE LISLE, officer of the Engineers, born at Lons-le-Saulnier; immortalised himself as the author of the "MARSEILLAISE" (q. v.); was thrown into prison by the extreme party at the Revolution, but was released on the fall of Robespierre; fell into straitened circumstances, but was pensioned by Louis Philippe (1760-1836).

So it stands, you perceive; the labial muscles, that swelled with Vehement evolution of yesterday Marseillaises, Articulations sublime of defiance and scorning, to-day col- Lapse and languidly mumble, while men and women and papers Scream and re-scream to each other the chorus of Victory.

130 examples of  marseillaises  in sentences