17 examples of meetly in sentences

This Appas was meetly schooled, and apt in parts.

For this Arthur in his day was loved right well of the poor, and honoured meetly by the rich.

His father had sent him to Rome, that he might be schooled the more meetly.

He bestowed guerdon meetly on all, according to his zeal and the labour he had done.

This mighty army, meetly ordered and furnished with weapons, set forth on a day to give Arthur battle from Rome.

This Arthur did by reason that Gawain was a good clerk, meetly schooled, and held in much praise and honour by his friends in Rome.

Right serviceable was he in his station, and meetly praised of all.

"If he be dead we may give him fitting burial, and the priest shall pray meetly for his soul.

Moreover he commanded that she should be meetly served, and held in all reverence.

This lady was passing fair of body, apt in book as any clerk, and meetly schooled in every grace that it becometh dame to have.

Meetly to mourn the dead there rode nigh upon two thousand knights, with hauberks unlaced, and uncovered heads, plucking upon their beards.

For the rest he bade that the messengers meetly should be lodged and apparelled, and that such money should be given them as would be sufficient to their needs.

The dame looked on their happiness, and knew that her lord meetly had bestowed his love.

The Queen was with her daughter in a chamber, instructing her meetly in that which it becomes a maid to know.

Very courteous was the knight, and meetly schooled in what was due to maidens.

There she stripped the drowned man of his raiment, and wrapping him fast in her own dry mantle cherished him so meetly that presently he came again to life.

For his part the Count arrayed himself meetly by grace of merchants and Templars, who lent him gladly of their wealth.

17 examples of  meetly  in sentences