50 examples of summe in sentences

Perhaps because he was not pledged to defend poetry against the attacks of the Puritans, Webbe thus allows himself to admit "the very summe or cheefest essence of poetry dyd alwayes for the most part consist in delighting the readers or hearers with pleasure."

Summe pater, quodcunque tuum de corpore Numen Hoc statuat, precibus Christus adesse velit: Ingenio parcas, nee sit mihi culpa rogasse,

And he shall finde the partie he requires, And yet not find the summe of his desires.

More overthrowne and deeper in dispaire Than is the manner of your heavie smart, My carelesse griefe doth ranckle at my hart; And, in a word to heare the summe of all, I love and am beloved, but there-withall

Exaestuantis pectoris impetum, Rex summe, solus tu regis arbiter, Mentisque, te tollente, surgunt, Te recidunt moderante fluctus.

It falls right, You haue beene talkt of since your trauaile much, And that in Hamlets hearing, for a qualitie Wherein they say you shine, your summe of parts Did not together plucke such enuie from him As did that one, and that in my regard Of the vnworthiest siedge.

Make vp my summe.

In that contree, sum man hathe an 100 wyfes, summe 60, mo, somme lesse.

When the Marchant hath broken his mind to one of these brokers or Tareghe, they cary him home to one of their Shops, although he hath no knowledge in Iewels: and when the Iewellers perceiue that hee will employ a good round summe, they will make a bargaine, and if not, they let him alone.

And for because that at my departure from Pegu, Opium was in great request, I went then to Cambaya to imploy a good round summe of money in Opium, and there I bought 60.

For a present to the Ermine the summe of med.

For meat for the men the summe of med.

For custome at Racca the summe of med.

800 For custome at Dea the summe of med.

For custom at Bosara, the summe of med.

For custome in Anna, in 10 per summe, med.

For custome of clothes at Corno, the summe of med.

A briefe extract specifying the certaine dayly paiments, answered quarterly in time of peace, by the Grand Signior, out of his Treasurie, to the Officers of his Seraglio or Court, successiuely in degrees: collected in a yeerely totall summe, as followeth.

For his owne diet euery day, one thousand and one aspers, according to a former custome receiued from his auncestors: notwithstanding that otherwise his diurnall expence is very much, and not certainly knowen, which summe maketh sterling mony by the yere, two thousand, one hundred, 92.

The Solachi, archers of his guard, three hundred and twenty, at nine aspers, and commeth vnto in English money, the summe of sixe thousand, three hundred and sixe pounds.

The Reiz, or Captaines of the Gallies, three hundred, at ten aspers, and amounteth in English money by the yeere, the summe of sixe thousand, fiue hundred, threescore and ten pounds.

I say and sweare by all dyvinitie That can rewarde or punyshe, tys most true That with a summe of goulde and further hopes Of future honors he did wynne my promysse To poyson the greate Palladyne.

Summe Deus, qui semper amas quodcunque creasti; Judice quo, scelerum est poenituisse salus: Da veteres noxas animo sic flere novato, Per Christum ut veniam sit reperire mihi.

Exaestuantis pectoris impetum, Rex summe, solus tu regis, arbiter; Mentisque, te tollente, fluctus; Te, resident, moderante fluctus.

A and B] large summe.

50 examples of  summe  in sentences