527 examples of morning's in sentences

McNutt slapped the sorrel with the ends of the reins so energetically that the mare broke into a trot, and before the girls had come within speaking distance of their uncle, the agent was well out of sight and exulting in the possession of eleven dollars to pay for his morning's work.

Telegraph and telephone wires were knocked out in this morning's electric storm, it seems.

At present my knowledge of your adventures is confined to the account of your escape in this morning's Daily Mail.

" The next morning's post brought business letters, and Cousin Ann feared she would have to leave Beulah, although there was work for a fortnight to come, right there, and Margaret had not strength enough to get through it alone.

It never occurs to her that perhaps there is more of misery than of happiness in the four great ones of whom she dreams; and so she goes on her way singing, The year's at the spring And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in his heaven All's right with the world!

These are woven into a bright phantasy by an imagination that is near to childhood and has not lost its morning's brightness.

Yet neither last night's outlook nor that morning's was without result.

But I told her how these dear children of England, privates and officers, had leaped their horses over all obstacles as gaily as hunters to the morning's chase.

By one morning's abstinence he feasted seven years after.

During our morning's ascent, we had met no sign of animal life, except the small sparrow-like bird already mentioned.

BAUCIS Shovel, axe, no labor sparing, Vainly plied the men by day; Where the fires at night shone flaring, Stood a dam, in morning's ray.

I went to St. George's Hall again on the following Sunday, and in the little ante-room, after the service, I found myself in a stream of people, who were passing by Mr. and Mrs. Voysey, some evidently known to him, some strangers, many of the latter thanking him for his morning's work.

It was while this private conference was going on that I got my first sight of Cooper,completing my morning's experience by exchanging a few words with the man, of all others among my countrymen, whom I had most wished to know.

In the course of this morning's drive, we visited the gentlemen on their fishing party.

'If you saw my ordinary morning's work!

A meteor flamed; I woke in rude alarm; Above me orbed the temple's sullen dome; Around me swam the early morning's starless gloom.

The country doctor who, combining in his morning's round a visit to the Squire and another to the Vicar, said that he was trying to kill two birds with one stone, would probably have expressed himself differently if he had premeditated his remark; and a London physician who found his patient busy composing a book of Recollections, and asked, "Why have you put it off so long?" uttered a "Thing one would rather have left unsaid."

One day a handsome young man chanced to come to the spot at the moment she was receiving her morning's attentions from her mother.

Whether alone, or in thy Harlot's Lap, When thou wouldst take a lazy Morning's Nap; Up, up, says AVARICE; thou snor'st again, Stretchest thy Limbs, and yawn'st, but all in vain.

It was a good morning's work.

Here we found the river suddenly turn round to the southward and eastward, bringing us back within five hundred yards of where we started from, which was one mile West by South 1/2 South from the morning's observation spot.

One night Delsarte and his brother fell asleep in each other's arms in the wretched loft they occupied; but when the former opened his eyes to the morning's light he was holding a corpse to his heart.

Our row home was perfectly enchanting; for though the morning's wind and (I suppose) the state of the tide had roughened the waters of the great river, and our passage was not as smooth as it might have been, the wind had died away, the evening air was deliciously still, and mild, and soft.

I could not eat a morsel; but he supped (or breakfasted) with a capital appetite; insisted that I should lie down on his bed for two or three hours; and slipping into his dressing-gown, took out his desk and cash-box, and settled himself to a regular morning's work.

But the morning's telegrams were baffling.

527 examples of  morning's  in sentences