40 examples of nox in sentences

Many years has he lived, and has always seen clear things That Nox seemed to hide from our average eyes; But still, though encompassed with all sorts of queer things, He never, no, never, gives way to surprise.

"1. Show the strong presumption there is, that Nox was the god of battles.

She was experiencing the same utter desolationbut somehow less nobleas had gripped her when she first realized the eternal picture, in Oceana Nox, of the pale-fronted widows who, tired of waiting for those whose barque had never returned out of the tempest, talked quietly among themselves of the loststirring the cinders in the fireplace and in their hearts....

Even more swiftly fades an even more delicate child of the moon, the Ipomoea, Bona-nox, whose snow-white patines, as broad as the hand, open at nightfall on every hedge, and shrivel up with the first rays of dawn.

Somewhere on the bounds of the dim ocean-world we know that there is an exiled court, a faded sort of St. Germain celestial dynasty, geologic gods, coevals of the old Silurian strata,to wit, Kronos, Rhea, Nox, et al.

Those were the days, perhaps, when Nox reigned, and the great mundane egg was hatching in the oven-like heat, from which the winged boy Eros leaped forth, "his back glittering with golden plumes, and swift as eddying air."

After the Aeneid, the epic style must be of this fashion: Ibant ovscuri sola sub nocte per umbram Perque domos Ditis vacuas et inania regna: Quale per incertam lunam sub luce maligna Est iter in silvis, ubi caelum condidit umbra Jupiter, et rebus nox abstulit atra colorem.

But he is now gone, the sun of ours set, and yet no night follows, Sol occubuit, nox nulla sequuta est.

Animarum crudele tormentum, dolor inexplicabilis, tinea non solum ossa, sed corda pertingens, perpetuus carnifex, vires animae consumens, jugis nox, et tenebrae profundae, tempestas et turbo et febris non apparens, omni igne validius incendens; longior, et pugnae finem non habensCrucem circumfert dolor, faciemque omni tyranno crudeliorem prae se fert.

Coeci ut plurimum impudentes, nox facit impudentes. 2688.

Nox habet suas voluptates.

Nox, et amor vinumque nihil moderabile suadent.

There are other hardy species from North America, including S. Bona-nox (better known as S. tamnoides), S. rotundifolia, and S. herbacea, the first being the most desirable.

After the burning of the manuscript Sir Walter Scott wrote in his diary: "It was a pity that nothing save the total destruction of Byron's Memoirs would satisfy his executors; but there was a reasonpremat nox alta.

"By the daughters of Nox and Acheron!" exclaimed a voice which sounded like music in the porter's ears, "I think you are mistaken in your man, my lord.

Called by Tennyson "Night" or "Nox."

1. Correct Bolles, in the division of the following words: "Del-ia, Jul-ia, Lyd-ia, heigh-ten, pat-ron, ad-roit, worth-y, fath-er, fath-er-ly, mar-chi-o-ness, i-dent-ic-al, out-ra-ge-ous, ob-nox-i-ous, pro-di-gi-ous, tre-mend-ous, ob-liv-i-on, pe-cul-i-ar."Revised Spelling-Book: New London, 1831.

After c, g, t, or x, these vowels should coalesce: as in gra-cious, re-li-gious, vex-a-tious, ob-nox-ious, and about two hundred other words.

Jam te premet nox, fabulæque manes, Et domus exilis Plutonia.' Hor.

'Ut nox longa, quibus Mentitur arnica, diesque Longa videtur opus debentibus, ut piger Annus Pupillis, quos dura premit Custodia matrum, Sic mihi Tarda fluunt ingrataque Tempora, quæ spem Consiliumque morantur agendi Gnaviter, id quod Æquè pauperibus prodest, Locupletibus aquè, Æquè neglectum pueris senibusque nocebit.

Nox atra cava circumvolat umbra.

Nobis, quum semet occidit brevis lux, Nox est perpetua una dormienda.

The finest lines in the play Amiam: che 'l sol si muore, e poi rinasce; A noi sua breve luce S' asconde, e 'l sonno eterna notte adduce(Coro I.) belong to Catullus: Viuamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus;... soles occidere et redire possunt; nobis cum semel occidit breuis lux, nox est perpetua una dormienda.

NOX, the Latin for "night," and the name of the "goddess of night.

And here is the song of an old poet whom Neaera cheated: "Nox erat, et coelo fulgebat Luna sereno Inter minora sidera, Cum tu magnorum numen laesura deorum In verba jurubas mea.

40 examples of  nox  in sentences