13 examples of oleracea in sentences

Another of its headed forms, but with smooth glaucous leaves, is the cultivated Cabbage of our gardens (the Borecole oleracea capitula of science); and all its varieties of green, red, dwarf, tall, early, late, round, conical, flat, and all the forms into which it is possible to put it.

The scientific name is Borecole oleracea acephala, and of it there are many varieties, both as regards the form and colour of the leaves, as well as the height which the plants attain.

This is the Brassica oleracea of science, the Wild Cabbage, or Colewort, from which have originated all the varieties of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Greens, and Brocoli.

{122b} Anableps tetropthalmus. {124} Oreodoxa oleracea.

{134d} Mimusops Balata. {137a} Bactris. {137b} Euterpe oleracea.

Who, walking on Chester walls in those days, and seeing the Brassica oleracea, where it grows in abundance, would have supposed that from it would spring cabbages as big as drums, and cauliflowers as florid as a bishop's wig? Dov.

10 0 SONCHUS LAEVIS S.T. 11 10 PORTULACA OLERACEA S.P. 11 12 Of course it will be necessary to adjust the Horologium Florae (or Flower clock) to the nature of the climate.

BRASSICA oleracea.

Brassica oleracea.

Brassica oleracea var.

Brassica oleracea var.

Portulaca oleracea.

Brassica oleracea, (var.)

13 examples of  oleracea  in sentences