29 examples of traine in sentences

As might euen grieue the rude vnciuilst men: When here vpon to weane his fixed heart From such dishonour to his high desert The Duke had labourd but in vaine did striue, Thus he began his purpose to contriue: Two of his seruants, of vndoubted trvth, He bound by vertue of a solemne oath To traine the silly damzel out of sight

Diana with her bowe and arrows keene Did often vse the chace in Forrests greene, And so, alas, the good Athenian knight And swifte Acteon herein tooke delight, And Atalanta, the Arcadian dame, Conceiu'd such wondrous pleasure in the game That, with her traine of Nymphs attending on, She came to hunt the Bore of Calydon. Ge.

The lustie Stag, conductor of the traine, Leads all the heard in order downe the plaine; The baser rascals[101] scatter here and there As not presuming to approach so neere.

Ile haue a guard to wayt vpon her traine, Of gallant woodmen clad in comely greene, The like whereof hath seldome yet bene seene.

The way ore growne with shrubs and bushes thick, The sharpened thornes your tender feete will pricke, The brambles round about your traine will lappe, The burs and briers about your skirts will wrappe.

Commend us to Medina, say his letters Right pleasing are, and that (except himselfe) Nothing could be more welcome: counsell him (To blot the opinion out of factious numbers) Onely to have his ordinary traine Waiting upon him; for, to quit all feares Vpon his side of us, our very Court Shall even but dimly shine with some few Dons, Freely to prove our longings great to peace.

All places they with follie have possest, And with vaine toyes the vulgare entertaine; But me have banished, with all the rest 195 That whilome wont to wait upon my traine, Fine Counterfesaunce*, and unhurtfull Sport, Delight, and Laughter, deckt in seemly sort.

Lastly his shinie wings, as silver bright, Painted with thousand colours passing farre 90 All painters skill, he did about him dight: Not halfe so manie sundrie colours arre In Iris bowe; ne heaven doth shine so bright, Distinguished with manie a twinckling starre; Nor Iunoes bird, in her ey-spotted traine, 95 So manie goodly colours doth containe.

Who, seeing him, with secret ioy therefore Did tickle inwardly in everie vaine; And his false hart, fraught with all treasons store, 395 Was fil'd with hope his purpose to obtaine: Himselfe he close upgathered more and more Into his den, that his deceiptfull traine By his there being might not be bewraid, Ne anie noyse, ne anie motion made.

One day I sought with her hart-thrilling eies To make a truce, and termes to entertaine; All fearlesse then of so false enimies, Which sought me to entrap in treasons traine.

Thus doth she traine and teach me with her lookes; Such art of eyes I never read in bookes!

C.] From those high towers this noble lord issuing, Like radiant Hesper, when his golden hayre In th'ocean billowes he hath bathed fayre, 165 Descended to the rivers open vewing, With a great traine ensuing.

and the sheeted dead Did squeake and gibber in the Roman streets, As harbindgers preceading still the fates; As starres with traines of fier, and dewes of blood (Here understand precede)

The number of his owne followers, of his wiues attendants, and of the traine of his first begotten sonne and heire apparent, would seeme incredible vnto any man, vnlesse hee had seene it with his owne eyes.

Vnto this forrest, at the ende of euery third or fourth yere, himselfe with his whole traine resorteth, and they all of them together enuiron the sayd forrest, sending dogs into the same, which by hunting do bring foorth the beasts: namely, lions and stags, and other creatures, vnto a most beautifull plaine in the midst of the forrest, because all the beasts of the forrest doe tremble, especially at the cry of hounds.

Euery Shoomakers or Taylors wife will haue a gowne of silke, and one to carie vp her traine, wearing their shooes very neere halfe a yarde high from the ground: if a stranger meete one of them, he will surely thinke by the state that she goeth with, that he meeteth a Lady.

The goodliest person in the traine, that's he.

What pretty traines are made by cunning hands To intrap the wily watry Citizens!

My conscience saith it is a damned deede To traine one foorth, and slay him privily.

Whether so fast, you damned miscreants, Yee vaine deluders of the credulous, That seeke to traine men to destruction?

Secondly, Mistris Hostesse, I would know what lodging ye have for my Lady and her traine.

C] Antigonus: and his Traine.

There is none of Dianaes trayne that any can traine, either out of their waie, or out of their wits.

And so alas, the good Athenian knight, And swift Acteon herein tooke delight: And Atalanta the Arcadian dame, Conceiv'd such wondrous pleasure in the game, That with her traine of Nymphs attending on, She came to hunt the Bore of Calydon.

Yet this Ile prophesie, when thou shall come Into the confines of Elysium Amidst the Quire of Muses, and the lists Of famous Actors, and quicke Dramatists, So much admir'd for gesture, and for wit, That there on Seats of living Marble sit, The blessed Consort of that numerous Traine, Shall rise with an applause to [

29 examples of  traine  in sentences