185 examples of typewriters in sentences

Three or four typewriters were clicking away, operated by sallow-faced girls, and behind a tall desk were two bookkeepers, in one of whom Uncle John recognizedwith mild surprisethe tramp he had encountered at Chazy Junction on the morning of his arrival.

" "You lonely, taking out typewriters to dine!"

As he held the door for a moment ajar, a wave of tangled sounds swept into the room,the metallic clash of a score of typewriters, the shouting and bargaining of eager customers, the tinkle of telephones in the long series of cubicles.

XVII THE DOGE SNAPS A RUBBER BAND Jasper Ewold was a disciple of an old-fashioned custom that has fallen into disuse since the multiplicity of typewriters made writing for one's own pleasure too arduous; or, if you will have another reason, since our existence and feelings have become so complex that we can no longer express them with the simple directness of our ancestors.

Do you know anything about typewriters?" "Very little.

We sell India comparatively little merchandise except iron and steel, machinery, agricultural implements, sewing machines, typewriters, phonographs and other patented articles.

He wrote very little; but he had sixteen different typewriters, each guaranteed perfect by an American agent, who had also pledged himself that the other fifteen were miserable impostures.

There were telephones and file cases, typewriters and all the appurtenances of business operations; the furniture was massive and handsome, and carpets and hangings had every appearance of magnificence and costliness.

Ticker lines were installed, typewriters and telephones put in place, and the Mumbai team arrived (I recall only S. Vaidyanathan on the newsdesk, though).

He was half asleep and so were the occupants of the press room, those who were not wrestling with the typewriters.

But now that it was over they demanded that the museums and galleries should be cleared at once of flappers and typewriters and thrown open again to their rightful users, the public.

Since then female typewriters and a few better-paid women have been introduced into other offices in accordance with the casual impulses of this or that parliamentary or permanent chief; but no systematic attempt has been made to enrich the thinking power of the State by using the trained and patient intellects of the women who graduate each year in the newer, and 'qualify by examination to graduate,' in the older Universities.

Let them thought-read their daughters and hypnotise their aunts, and leave their typewriters alone.

He could find no advertisements of authors or others seeking typewriting, but he saw that a great number of typewriters advertised themselves in the literary papers.

This young man gathers about him a group of kindred spirits, and the result is that after the publication of the second number Mr. Snooks decides to edit the magazine himself, with the aid of a secretary and a few typewriters.

They were filled with American typewriters, sewing-machines, and cameras.

Hazel: These typewriters would bother the world.


SEE Smith (L. C.) & Corona Typewriters, Inc. SABATINI, RAFAEL.


SEE Smith (L. C.) & Corona Typewriters, Inc. SABATINI, RAFAEL.

Henrietta S. Smith (W); 25Feb65; R356357. SMITH (L. C.) & CORONA TYPEWRITERS, INC.

L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc., now by change of name known as SCM Corp. (PWH); 2Dec64; R354394.

If one follows a red-banded cap into a door he sees other officers and clerks and typewriters, and a sign which says that a department chief has his desk in the drawing-room of a private housewhere he has had it for months.

There is the question of office space, rent, subletting office room, buying typewriters, stationery and other supplies to advantage.

185 examples of  typewriters  in sentences