27 examples of ursinus in sentences

{278} Ardea Garzetta. {282a} Mycetes ursinus. {282b} Penelope. {282c} Myrmecophaga tridactyla.

(Ursinus, p.373.

(Ursinus, p.373.

(Ursinus, p. 374.)

(Ursinus, p.374.

(Ursinus, p.375.

(Ursinus, p.375.

(Ursinus, p.376.

(Ursinus, p.374.

(Ursinus, p. 376.

And he acted in all respects like a Carthaginian, not a Roman; for he did not even grant his wife leave to confer with him nor did he enter the city, although he was invited: instead, when the senate assembled outside of the walls, as their custom was in treating with the envoys of the enemy, he asked for permission to approach with the othersat least, so the story goes, [lacuna] (Ursinus, p. 377.

He touched unreservedly on a number of other subjects and finally his appeal"If you don't want to be at peace, restore to us both Sardinia and Sicily; for with these we purchased not a temporary respite but eternal friendship"caused them to become milder and ashamed [lacuna] (Ursinus, p.378.

(Ursinus, p. 378.

(Ursinus, p. 379.

(Ursinus, p. 380.

(Ursinus, p. 380.

(Ursinus, p. 381.

(Ursinus, p. 381.

(Ursinus, p. 381.)

(Ursinus, p. 382.

(Ursinus, p. 382.

(Ursinus, p. 382.

(Ursinus, p. 383.

[Footnote 109: The codices here contain an interpolation of the words "HIC INTERMISIMUS," to indicate that a part of the text is missing, with which judgment of some early student of the archetype Victorius, Scaliger and Ursinus, as well as their successors among the commentators on Varro, have all agreed.

[Footnote 214: After studying the commentators on this obscure passage, I have elected to follow the emendation of Ursinus, which, although Keil sneers at its license, has the advantage of making sense.

27 examples of  ursinus  in sentences