21 Words to use with commonest

I meant no harm; I repeated only what is the commonest civility, the merest good manners.'

Science has led up to the fact, but there it stops, and for converting the fact into a law a totally unscientific principle comes in, the same as that which generalises the commonest observations in nature.

Surrogate's proceedings simplified; explaining and illustrating the commonest forms and proceedings encountered in Surrogate's practice.

But the exquisite poetic perceptivity Coppée showed in his modern poems, the certainty with which he raised the commonest subject, investing it with sufficient dignity for his purpose, escaped me wholly, and I could not but turn with horror from such poems as "La Nourrice" and "Le Petit Epicier."

It was difficult, not from want of ardor in the population, but from the want of the commonest material necessary in time of war.

Another and the commonest exclamation which will be instantly made is Would you do nothing, then, in cholera, fever, &c.?so deep-rooted and universal is the conviction that to give medicine is to be doing something, or rather everything; to give air, warmth, cleanliness, &c., is to do nothing.

Perhaps two of the commonest expressions convey peculiarly English views of character.

And for the rest, we have defiantly embroidered life, and indomitably we have converted the commonest happening of life into a comely thing.

But merely natural thingseven the commonest lifeless objectsused as means, must be of such a kind as adapts them to their purpose; they must possess something in common with it.

But self-adornment, vanity, and the admiration of others seem to be the commonest motives.

"Yet these are the two commonest occupations of mankind.

One of the names of the deadly nightshade is belladonna which reminds us of its Italian appellation, and "several of our commonest plant names are obtained from the Low German or Dutch, as, for instance, buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum), from the Dutch bockweit."

Meanwhile Sheridan and the servant between them plied the genius very liberally with wine: and the former, rising, made him a complimentary speech on his critical powers, while the young guest, who had heard nothing from his lips but the commonest platitudes in very bad English, grew more and more amused.

One of its commonest pleas is that of weakness.

Unfermented, or cream-cheese, when quite fresh, is good for subjects with whom milk does not disagree; but cheese, in its commonest shape, is only fit for sedentary people as an after-dinner stimulant, and in very small quantity.

Instead of passing or rejecting this bill, of which the first is absolutely criminal, and the second perhaps improper, let us only delay it, by which we shall give the commons time to reflect upon it, to reexamine it, and discover, what they, perhaps, have not hitherto suspected, its destructive tendency.

I am a stranger to the shapes and texture of the commonest trees, herbs, flowersnot from the circumstance of my being town-bornfor I should have brought the same inobservant spirit into the world with me, had I first seen it in "on Devon's leafy shores,"and am no less at a loss among purely town-objects, tools, engines, mechanic processes.

Patricians and commons uniting, under the command of Æmilius, overcame the Volscians and Æquans, who renewed hostilities, in a successful engagement.

What magic it imparts to the commonest actions, the most vulgar objects of life!

In pagan times in Ireland one of the commonest adventures attributed to a hero was a visit to "tír na m-beó," the land of the living, or to "tír na n-óg," the land of the young; and this supernatural world was reached in some cases by entering a fairy mound and going beneath the ground to it, and in others by sailing over the ocean.

His squalid cabin was destitute of the commonest comforts; the blackened stumps and dead, girdled trees stood thick in his small and badly tilled field.

21 Words to use with  commonest