Which preposition to use with ammonia

in Occurrences 11%

But these are the very matters with which Nature supplied the club-mosses which made the coal She is paid back principal and interest at the same time; and she straightway invests the carbonic acid, the water, and the ammonia in new forms of life, feeding with them the plants that now live.

into Occurrences 3%

Stir the ammonia into 2 tablespoonfuls of milk and add it to the dough, and beat the whole well, until everything is thoroughly mixed.

on Occurrences 2%

"Here is a girl with a brilliant future on the stage discovered by her friend, Mrs. Boncour, in convulsionspractically insensiblewith a bottle of headache-powder and a jar of ammonia on her dressing-table.

than Occurrences 1%

And Mr. Herschel informs me, that a similar change takes place in recently precipitated carbonate of copper; which, if left long moist, concretes into hard gritty grains, of a green colour, much more difficultly soluble in ammonia than the original precipitate.)

between Occurrences 1%

It was little short of marvellous to see the pursy old hypocrite going cat-footed about the room on his stealthy ministrations, replenishing the bandages, forcing spirits of ammonia between Billy's teeth, fighting deftly and confidently with death.

through Occurrences 1%

The compressor-pump then forced the fluid, ammonia through a small pipe from the condenser coils to the cooling coils in the tank of brine.

for Occurrences 1%

" "Exercise and ammonia for the first.

of Occurrences 1%

Old cheese has a remarkable effect in meliorating the apple when eaten; probably from the volatile alkali or ammonia of the cheese neutralizing its acid.

Which preposition to use with  ammonia