Which preposition to use with bank

of Occurrences 5143%

Once down, Pepper and I started to explore along the banks of the river.

in Occurrences 257%

The snow is first built out from the banks in bossy, over-curling drifts, compacting and cementing until the streams are spanned.

on Occurrences 137%

In a deep gully at its foot, a stream went surgin' over rapids; the bank on the side towards the hill was, may be, twenty feet high, and a right up and down ledge.

to Occurrences 126%

At the head of a low-browed rock, luxuriant dogwood bushes and willows arch over from bank to bank, embowering the stream with their leafy branches; and drooping plumes, kept in motion by the current, fringe the brow of the cascade in front.

with Occurrences 120%

Hence, mighty Rhone, thy rapid torrents flow, And Arar, much in doubt which way to go, Ripples along the banks with shallow roll.

at Occurrences 114%

No doubt Muckluck is on the river-bank at Pymeut; the one-eyed Prince, the story-teller Yagorsha, even Ol' Chiefno one will be indoors to-day.

for Occurrences 107%

But Smith has no professional calling or business, and when his digestion troubles him, he has visions of the alms-house, and the Potters' Field, and of two mendicant little girls, while his endorsement would be regarded as good at the bank for a hundred thousand dollars.

by Occurrences 45%

During the day some batteries got to the north bank by way of the ford, and two heavy pontoon bridges were constructed and a barrel bridge, which had been put together in a wadi flowing into the Auja, was floated down and placed in position.

into Occurrences 29%

The dug-outs were improved and made watertight and the Officers' Mess and sleeping huts were moved up from the river bank into the Battery position itself.

from Occurrences 29%

It appears the Pelly, where he struck it, was a stream of considerable size, for he speaks of its appearance when he first saw it from 'Pelly Banks,' the name given the bank from which he first beheld it, as a 'splendid river in the distance.'

as Occurrences 26%

" "Wall," said I, "if the Sea has many such runs on her clam-banks as this, she will have to put on her shutters soon, and go into lickerdation.

above Occurrences 21%

Fifteen years ago I was over on Tupper's Lake, shantyin' on the high bank above the rocks, just at the outlet, fishin' and huntin', and layin' around loose, in a promiscuous way, all alone by myself, havin' nobody along but the old black dog that you," appealing to Hank Wood, who nodded assent, remember.

under Occurrences 18%

The money-lenders and bankers instituted, throughout the range of their business, additional counting-houses and branch banks under the direction of their slaves and freedmen.

near Occurrences 16%

Here Beltane laid him down, watching a little cataract that rippled o'er the rocky bank near by, where ferns and lichens grew; what time Sir Fidelis came and went, and, having set fire a-going whereby to cook their supper, brought an armful of fragrant heather to set 'neath Beltane's weary head.

between Occurrences 12%

The dog returned along the bank between the reed fences, and came out to his master at another hole.

without Occurrences 12%

The leaders of the sect at Nauvoo had set up a bank without capital and passed thousands of its worthless notes upon the unsuspecting farmers and traders; and it was this

over Occurrences 11%

It was one of those little mountain-brooks which roll their limpid waters over silver sands; hurl by through whispering ledges, the resort of snipe and woodcock; or, varying this quiet and serene existence with occasional action, dart between abrupt banks over mossy rocks, laughing as they fly onward to the open sunlight.

beside Occurrences 10%

He called to them, but it was in vain, and at last he laid himself on the mossy bank beside the earth and waited.

like Occurrences 9%

And he lay on the bank like one left for death, so weary and so worn with all the horrors of the way that his heart was faint within him, and peace itself seemed to him but an illusion.

opposite Occurrences 9%

At ten o'clock at night, when the cannon fires, it is his signal to put off for the bank opposite Condatchy, which he will reach by daylight, if the weather be fair.

below Occurrences 8%

With the first beam came the West-Floridian and the Creole out upon the bank below the village.

beyond Occurrences 7%

Servants both white and colored were busily at work, under the command of overseers, loading and unloading cargoes, while the high bank beyond was crowded with vehicles of various kinds.

through Occurrences 7%

The passengers trailed from the railroad station down the river bank through a slush of mud, for the river had just fallen and had left a layer of liquid mud to a height of about twenty feet all along the littoral.

during Occurrences 6%

We will sit by its banks during the heat of the day, and when we are tired, the music of its waves will lull us to sleep.

within Occurrences 6%

The removal of more than nine millions from the Bank within the period of nine months caused it necessarily to curtail its discounts, and a financial panic was the result, which again led to acrimonious debates in Congress, in which Clay took the lead.

Which preposition to use with  bank