Which preposition to use with conclusions

of Occurrences 1021%

" On the conclusion of this discourse, my Guides immediately conducted me, with their former celerity and kindness, to the only remaining Structure.

from Occurrences 108%

Men have preached to one another for a hundred years and more and practiced so successfully the concentration in industry of unlimited machinery with a few hands, that even mother knows some of the truths in regard to the creation of wealth in the business world, and she is probably not incapable of drawing a conclusion from her own experience in the transfer of work from the home to the factory.

as Occurrences 81%

"They don't seem to have come to any definite conclusion as to how the tragedy happened," Morriston said.

in Occurrences 59%

But this conclusion in nowise conflicts with the deductions of the physicist from his no less clear and certain data.

with Occurrences 50%

but he had only smiled and taken the hand, on which his ring was gleaming, into his, and settled his arm more securely upon the back of her chair; and John Randolph, sitting opposite with Dick and Miss Diana, had watched the little scene and drawn his own conclusions with a sigh.

at Occurrences 47%

The main conclusions at which they arrived are these.

to Occurrences 46%

I have thought that instead of spending time over recriminations one might be on safer ground by trying to get at the root-causes of this war (and other wars), thus making one's conclusions to some degree independent of a multitude of details and accidents, most of which must for ever remain unknown to us.

by Occurrences 40%

Decide for yourself what its meaning is; then verify or correct your conclusion by reference to the dictionary.

on Occurrences 32%

The French Commission of Enquiry came to the following conclusion on this point: "This allegation is false, and those who put it forward have been powerless to give it the appearance of truth, even though it has been their custom to fire shots in the neighbourhood of dwellings, in order to be able to affirm that they have been attacked by innocent inhabitants, on whose ruin or massacre they had resolved.

about Occurrences 26%

By and by some one arose who began to consider things in the abstract, and to relate them to his neighbor, and formulate conclusions about them.

without Occurrences 14%

I cannot bring my report to a conclusion without recording my acknowledgments to Mr. James Roe for the able and effective assistance he has rendered me throughout the expedition, the barometrical observations and management of the provision department having been especially under his charge.

for Occurrences 11%

Considering that many times it is seene a fained matter or altogether fabulous, besides that it maketh more mirth than any other, works no less good conclusions for example then the most true and veritable, but often more, because the Poet hath the handling of them to fashion at his pleasure.[410] This conception of history as moral example is common enough.

than Occurrences 8%

I can come to no other conclusion than that by the first stock-father Chaucer means our Lord Jesus.

after Occurrences 5%

Such, my children, was my conclusion after this examination of the morality laid down in the Gospel.

of Occurrences 5%

As for my part, who am a meer SPECTATOR, I drew this Morning Conclusions of their Eminence in what I think great, to wit, in having worthy Sentiments, from the reading a Comedy of Terence.

therefrom Occurrences 3%

The sentimentalist gets just two views of the family, and draws his hasty conclusions therefrom.

into Occurrences 3%

It is easy to slide from the above conclusion into an argument of the following kind.

against Occurrences 3%

The conversation turned upon a war which the king had just brought to a happy conclusion against the prince of Hircania, his vassal.

under Occurrences 3%

"The question which had to be answered," says Mr. Bright in his "History of England," "was whether a great war could be carried to a successful conclusion under the blaze of publicity, when every action was exposed not only to the criticism and discussion of the Press, but also to the more formidable and dangerous demands of party warfare within the walls of Parliament.

through Occurrences 2%

The sudden death of the distinguished citizen who represented the United States in France, without any special arrangements by him for such a contingency, has left us without the expected sequel to his last communications, nor has the French Government taken any measures for bringing the depending negotiations to a conclusion through its representative in the United States.

near Occurrences 2%

A point arises; the question takes a problematical, a baffling, yet a likely air; the talkers begin to feel lively presentiments of some conclusion near at hand; towards this they strive with emulous ardour, each by his own path, and struggling for first utterance; and then one leaps upon the summit of that matter with a shout, and almost at the same moment the other is beside him; and behold they are agreed.

above Occurrences 2%

Do we gain much by reasoning from an assumption below the ken of the microscope to a conclusion above that of the telescope?

over Occurrences 2%

Her own marriage had been so happy, that she naturally concluded it the state most likely to ensure the happiness of her children; and with Lady Moseley, as with thousands of others, who averse or unequal to the labors of investigation, jump to conclusions over the long line of connecting reasons, marriage was marriage, a husband was a husband.

per Occurrences 1%

This conclusion per impossible may be balanced by the counter-conclusion, which is on all fours with it, that if that last individual were to be annihilated in and with him the whole world would be destroyed.

beyond Occurrences 1%

The question before us at the present day is, not as to the credibility of the facts, but as to the proper inferences to be drawn from them, and a correct apprehension of these inferences is one of the most valuable aids to the mental scientist, for it confirms the conclusions of purely a priori reasoning by an array of experimental instances which places the correctness of those conclusions beyond doubt.

Which preposition to use with  conclusions