Which preposition to use with encamps

on Occurrences 137%

"Many years ago, I was out on the Western prairies, some sixty days beyond the region of bread; we had encamped on the banks of a stream, along which a narrow belt of timber grew.

at Occurrences 130%

Colonel Rice had been fighting Indians almost every day since he had been encamped at this point, and he was very anxious to notify General Terry of the fact.

in Occurrences 115%

The one that I remember best fell on the mountains near Yosemite Valley, July 19, 1869, while I was encamped in the Silver Fir woods.

near Occurrences 53%

A regiment of cavalry encamped near the outskirts of the city on the line of the Virginia Central had broken camp early in the morning to march northward.

for Occurrences 39%

We started down stream again at six o'clock in the morning, intending, if possible, to reach Tupper's Lake before encamping for the night.

with Occurrences 20%

Maillebois was at that time encamped with his army in Westphalia.

against Occurrences 12%

The servant of the prophet was blind as to the power which preserved them, when he saw a host of the enemy encamped against them: he cried out, "Alas, my master, how shall we do!"

before Occurrences 11%

On April 23, 1491, Ferdinand and Isabella encamped before Granada with fifty thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand horse, and the last contest began.

within Occurrences 10%

The next day we endeavored to pass a little stream called Turtle Creek, but found the road impracticable, so turned into the valley of another stream, known as Long Run, and on the night of the eighth encamped within a mile of the Monongahela, and only about ten from the fort.

under Occurrences 7%

Sullenly the army crossed the river, and on the morning of the 8th of August encamped under the shelter of Fort Detroit.

along Occurrences 7%

While this beautiful valley greatly interested me, yet the most novel sight, of an entirely different character, which met my enraptured gaze, was the vast number of white-covered wagons, or "prairie-schooners," which were encamped along the different streams.

opposite Occurrences 6%

[-8-] Caesar after this entered Sicily and Sextus encamped opposite him in the vicinity of Artemisium.

among Occurrences 5%

When he was come near we said to him: 'Come and encamp among us, for in the desert all men are brothers, and we will give thee meat to eat and wine, or, if thou art bound by thy faith, we will give thee some other drink that is not accursed by the prophet.'

about Occurrences 4%

Such a beacon would be hidden from the Danes, who must have been encamped about Westbury, by the range of the Wiltshire hills, while it would be visible to the west over the low country toward the Bristol Channel, and to the south far into Dorsetshire.

around Occurrences 4%

The King had been more than a month laying siege to the castle, and his army was encamped around the city of Lincoln.

without Occurrences 4%

The horses had so far recovered after the day's rest that we were enabled to resume a south-west course, following down the bed of the stream to latitude 22 degrees 51 minutes, the country slightly improving towards evening; but we again had to encamp without water, having, however, obtained a small quantity in some gravel at noon.

between Occurrences 3%

So on the 21st we advanced, and attacked a large body of Tartars, encamped between Tung-chow and Pekin.

after Occurrences 3%

Encamped after dark without water or feed, tying the horses up short to prevent their rambling, having accomplished about twenty miles in an east-south-east direction during the day.

beside Occurrences 3%

XLI.As soon as Caesar heard that Pompey was at Asparagium, he set out for that place with his army, and having taken the capital of the Parthinians on his march, where there was a garrison of Pompey's, he reached Pompey in Macedonia, on the third day, and encamped beside him; and the day following, having drawn out all his forces before his camp, he offered Pompey battle.

by Occurrences 2%

Having encamped by themselves near the town, they prepared for a dance; to which Oglethorpe went with all his people.

beneath Occurrences 2%

We encamped beneath the shadow of this massive pile, surrounded by the thatched huts of the Papagos, who cluster about its cruciform walls as though confident of its power to protect them, as it did their ancestors, from the contaminating influences of the outside world.

as Occurrences 2%

They went out six geographical miles, and our section going at a good round pace found them encamped as usual.

outside Occurrences 2%

Meanwhile Phineas Duge, who had had a tiresome voyage, and who was not a little fatigued, slept during the greater part of the morning following his arrival, with his faithful valet encamped outside the door.

amongst Occurrences 1%

Resting for several hours at the waterholes of the 22nd, at 4.30 p.m. we resumed our route, having filled our water-kegs, and pushed on to within sixteen or seventeen miles of the depot, encamping amongst some good grass on our outward route, but without any water except what we carried with us.

during Occurrences 1%

The creek now turned to the south, and we followed the shallow channels till 12.30 p.m., when we fortunately came to a small pool which had been filled by a passing thunder-shower, and here we encamped during the day; a fresh breeze at times blew from the south-east and south, and the air was exceedingly warm; thermometer 106 degrees at noon, but being very dry, was not very oppressive.

Which preposition to use with  encamps