Which preposition to use with fond

of Occurrences 3771%

The piano was open, music littered about; she was fond of music and she admired very much a portrait of father as a boy in the Harrow dress, asked who it was and what the dress was.

as Occurrences 7%

However, Master Harry, he kept up, and his noble heart was as fond as ever.

in Occurrences 6%

The superstitious is fond in observation, servile in fear; he worships God but as he lists; he gives God what He asks not more than He asks, and all but what he should give; and makes more sins than the Ten Commandments.

to Occurrences 3%

If Hume was thus courted by his companions, and urged by Brydone to the dangerous enterprise in which the king, by the wiles and flattery of the French queen, had engaged, he was treated in a very different manner by Margaret, his wife,a fine young woman, who, fond to distraction of her husband, was desirous of preventing him from risking his life in a cause which she feared, with prophetic feeling, would bring desolation on her country.

with Occurrences 2%

And then, perhaps I was half asleep or fond with fear, I leapt out of bed and stood in the middle of the room to meet life and fight it.

before Occurrences 2%

The great Vexation that I have observed in it, is, that the wedded Couple seem to want Opportunities of being often enough alone together, and are forced to quarrel and be fond before Company.

on Occurrences 2%

Well, they sold this gennelman's animal to a major, and the reason why he couldn't be had for a little while was that the major, being fond on him, and 'avin' paid a good price for the dawg, it would ha' been cruel if he did not let him have the pleasure of him like for a few daysor a week.

about Occurrences 1%

I am very fond about moonshine nights!'

than Occurrences 1%

But we grew more fond than ever of the old, sunshiny house.

at Occurrences 1%

If there had been an excellent bit in the market, any novelty, fish, fruit, or fowl, muscatel, or malmsey, or a cup of neat wine in all the city, it was presented presently to me; though never so dear, hard to come by, yet I had it: the poor fellow was so fond at last, that I think if I would I might have had one of his eyes out of his head.

from Occurrences 1%

SWANS White Swans, ye harbingers of Spring, a greeting fond from me!

Which preposition to use with  fond