Which preposition to use with spattered

with Occurrences 17%

A wild figure this, great and hairy of head and with the arms and shoulders of a very giant; bedight was he in good link-mail, yet foul with dirt and mire and spattered with blood from heel to head, and in one great hand he griped still the fragment of a reddened sword.

of Occurrences 15%

" The wind blew shrewdly, with an occasional spatter of rain; the withered bracken lay like a vast carpet of dull copper-color under the cloudy sky; scattered fir-trees made fantastic shapes in the early gloom of a December day.

on Occurrences 7%

Hot blood spattered on Heywood's cheek.

over Occurrences 4%

Stains of it were spattered over the girl's clothes and face.

to Occurrences 3%

But they kept on sneering at me till Edwin had reached the first branch and was shaking it so hard that the lovely plums came spattering to the ground.

in Occurrences 3%

At this moment, three or four muskets were fired from the boat, and the balls whistled among the sails or spattered in the water.

through Occurrences 2%

"Because," she replied, "when it rains fast, some of the water spatters through the umbrella, and some will be driven against you by the wind.

about Occurrences 2%

His soul rushed from his body, and his brains were spattered about the field.

along Occurrences 1%

"I'm sure the white Ducks at the Farm can only waddle on the ground, or swim and spatter along the water when Wolf or Quick chases them for fun.

from Occurrences 1%

The Master had just finished checking his roster, when quite without any preliminary disturbance a crackle of rifle-fire began spattering from the city.

among Occurrences 1%

The creek gurgled and spattered among its rocks, without the note of a bird or the chirp of a squirrel to interrupt its monotony.

Which preposition to use with  spattered