8 Verbs to Use for the Word buzzard

We passed on, however, without disturbance, or sight of an enemy, until we came nearly to the edge of the town and saw the glistening roof of the church appear above the foliage,where sat sundry carrion-loving buzzards, elbowing each other, shuffling to and fro with outspread wings, and chuckling, doubtless, over the promise of glorious times.

The birds were assembled beneath leafy shade, or made short, languid flights in search of food, all save the majestic buzzard; with broad wings outspread he sailed the warm air unwearily from ridge to ridge, seeming to enjoy the fervid sunshine like a butterfly.

Have you by chance ever seen a buzzard, or stork, or vulture, or some other great bird, soaring upwards into the sky in wide circles, each circle taking it higher above the earth, until it looked like a mere black speck in the vast blue heavens, and at length disappeared altogether?

"Nanahboozhoo, in order to carry out his plan to punish the buzzard, resolved to turn himself into a dead deer.

Mr. Clary shot a turkey-buzzard, the first intimation that we had reached within the range of that bird.

I had endured "terrapin-buzzards," hurled at the group by my woman child, perceiving need of relief for her pent-up passion.

I used to hear old mistress say, 'There goes the buzzards, done et all the meat off.'

Simpson, still dazed, followed him into the Grand Ruea street of smells and piled filth, where gorged buzzards, reeking of the tomb, flapped upward under his nose from the garbage and offal of their feast.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  buzzard