6 adjectives to describe aller

[Footnote: Griperie, grip, sorte de bâtiment pour aller en course, vaisseau corsaire.]

Dat chile war allers at my heels.

I was allers handy with tools, and by good luck I'd come off with two jack-knives and a loose awl in my jacket-pocket, so I could beat 'em all at whittlin'; and I made figgers on their bows an' pipe-stems, of things they never see,roosters, and horses, Miss Buel's old sleigh, and the Albany stage, driver'n' all, and our yoke of oxen a-ploughin',till nothin' would serve them but I should have a house

Un garçon sortait d'une maison pour aller à la ferme voisine.

" "That's just it; it's allers suthin like that," screamed the old man, dashing his fist on his leg in a feeble, impotent passion, but without looking at Lance.

"Yew young folks," she affirmed, herself having seen ninety-nine winters, while Abigail had known but a paltry sixty-five, "yew allers go an' cut yer pity on the skew-gee.

6 adjectives to describe  aller