18 adjectives to describe grind

"A daily newspaper," said the major, loudly, as he held up a warning finger to the bevy of nieces, behind whom Hetty's pale face appeared, "means a daily grind for all concerned in it.

Let the shorn and blinded giant grind in the prison-house of the Philistines, till taught the folly of intrusting to Delilahs the secret and the custody of his strength.

Let the shorn and blinded giant grind in the prison-house of the Philistines, till taught the folly of intrusting to Delilahs the secret and the custody of his strength.

You see, in two years of the awful grind a fellow, if he lasts that long, has learned how to study in the right way.

I never saw a fellow get so much comfort out of everything as you do, and yet your life is a steady grind.

Then the long monotonous, daily "grind," and home again to repeat the identical proceeding on the following day.

Their brawny arms or hoary heads must bedeck nothing less than the metropolis itself, and perchance put shoulders to the wheel in the incessant grind of the urban treadmill.

" She was almost thrown from the seat by the jarring grind of the car brought to a sudden standstill.

Of a sudden the decent quiet of King Street, thus far accentuated rather than disturbed by the routine grind of hansoms and four-wheelers, was enlivened by spirited hoofs whose clatter stilled abruptly in front of the auction room.

But in the bare room which received us I was soon left alone, for, with another question as briefly asked and answered, the click of swords crossed and uncrossed before and behind him, and the screechy grind of bolts, Michael passed out of sight within.

When I went out into the snow it seemed to me the groan of the gale was like the slow grind of millstones, one upon the other.

What had lured him on as an adventure had turned into a tedious grind.

" "If you weren't such a tremendous grind you would do it now," Julius offered.

The peace and quiet of home are enough for him; they are change enough from the turmoil of the front and the ceaseless grind of the life in the army in France.

When our nerves are frazzled and our sleep is unrefreshing, we can find no better antidote to the clamorous grind and frenzy of the city than the stillness and solitude of hills, streams, and tranquil stars.

And there would be a long stretch of it, with only a recurrence of that deadly grind of kitchen work when the loggers came home again.

Except when the circus came to town, or there was a Harvest Home day, poor Felix knew little beyond the eternal grind of getting up before dawn, and working until long after sunset.

"But, the first chance that I have, I'm going to look the matter up and see whether the middies of old had any such fearful grind as we have our noses held to.

18 adjectives to describe  grind