16 adjectives to describe junior

" An hour after in came a brisk junior stating that his leader was unavoidably absent.

Yard and village were alike well-nigh deserted; here was the staid professor, the corpulent grocer, the irrepressible small boy, the important-looking senior, the shouting, careless junior, the giggling sister, the smiling mother, the patronizing papa, the crimson-bedecked waitress from the boarding house, thetheband!

Mike and Psmith, wandering back to the house, were met by a damp junior from Downing's, with a message that Mr. Downing wished to see Mike as soon as he was changed.

Sir Edward Chandos Leigh, my distinguished junior on that memorable occasion.

Very naturally that youth had now risen to the position of popular hero, and unapproachable seniors slapped him warmly on the shouldera bit of familiarity Joel was too good-natured to resentand wide-eyed little juniors admired him open-mouthed as he passed them.

The other members of the mess were trooping in, all his juniors, all obviously fond of him and boisterously irreverent of his rank.

" "Methuselah!" exclaimed Jervis; "I hope I shan't have to wait as long as that!" Thorndyke smiled benevolently at his irrepressible junior, and, shaking my hand cordially, turned into the entry.

" "My learned junior is premature," he replied.

Very naturally that youth had now risen to the position of popular hero, and unapproachable seniors slapped him warmly on the shouldera bit of familiarity Joel was too good-natured to resentand wide-eyed little juniors admired him open-mouthed as he passed them.

And the grinds sneered at its appetites, and the obscure juniors admired reverently from afar.

In the legal profession one hears nothing of "the young"; one hears only of "smart juniors."

He fidgeted with his hat, and gloves, and cane, which he took from the table near him, dropping the last as he did so; he glanced impatiently at the door through which my father was to enter, and, when finally his friend came, after a brief conference in a corner with regard to the papers he had gone out to seek, probably, summoned his son abruptly and darted off in true Continental style, followed by his more stately junior.

Beyond, their tiny juniors, girls and boys knee-high, and fat tumbling babies in rainbow finery, all hand-locked and singing, turned their circle inside out and back again, in the dizzy graces of the "Water Wheel."

Tredgold junior, glad at an opportunity of sharing his father's views, had passed most of the work on to a clerk who had arrived in the world exactly three weeks after himself.

On the way back to the grounds a number of youthful juniors, bravely arrayed in their first suits of football togs, loudly denounced the vigor of the practice, and pantingly made known to each other their intentions to let the school get along as best it might without their assistance on its eleven.

" The real colonel, sitting opposite, overhears this military sentiment, and smiles good-humouredly at his zealous junior.

16 adjectives to describe  junior