13 adjectives to describe woodman

Yet it is not as a sayer of particular good things that Athelred is most to be regarded, rather as the stalwart woodman of thought.

I remember, too, that the Lord Dartmouth of the time of which I speak was, like Mr. Gladstone, an amateur woodman.

" =408.= All sights were mellowed, and all sounds subdued, The hills seemed farther, and the streams sang low; As in a dream, the distant woodman hewed His winter log, with many a muffled blow.

Not even the most experienced woodman or botanist can tell you the names of plants of which he only sees the stems.

Ile haue a guard to wayt vpon her traine, Of gallant woodmen clad in comely greene, The like whereof hath seldome yet bene seene.

In a small clump of low jungle, on the sloping bank of a broad, sandy watercourse, the casual passer-by would not have perceived a snug and tolerably strong little hutthe white ends of the small branches that were laid over it, and the mixture of foliage, alone revealing the fact to the observant eye of a practiced woodman.

My maister is neither damnde nor dead, and yet is in the case of both your maisters, like a woodden shepheard and a sheepish woodman; for he is lost in seeking of a lost sheepe and spent in hunting a Doe that hee would faine strike.

"The forest reels beneath the stroke Of sturdy woodman's axe; The earth receives the white man's yoke, And pays her willing tax Of fruits, and flowers, and golden harvest fields, And all that nature to blithe labour yields.

There was no other guilt he could call to mind just then; he was only coming back from his work in the forest, a tired and hungry woodman, going home to Sellanraahe means no harm....

It was so glaringly truthful, so really what it purported to be, that the most unscientific woodman or pioneer would have understood it at a glance.

There are some images of rural life in it that have the appearance of being drawn from nature, and which therefore please. Hail, meek-eyed maiden, clad in sober grey, Whose soft approach the weary woodman loves, As homeward bent to kiss his prattling babes, He jocund whistles through the twilight groves.

No one knew what they were; and a couple of Negroes (who are admirable woodmen) were sent off to cut one down and see.

Weep, weep, ye woodmen, wail, Your hands with sorrow wring; Your master Robin Hood lies dead, Therefore sigh as you sing.

13 adjectives to describe  woodman