18 adverbs to describe how to crumble

Thus the clerical establishment gradually crumbled [Footnote 1: Journals of Lords, vi. 389; of Commons, Jan. 20, 1644.

" My stock fell thirty points and I crumbled bread nervously, hoping for something sensible to say; but at this moment "half-time" mercifully set in.

That is what happened; he literally and actually crumbled into a mouldering heap of bones and dust.

The bread-box was sweet and empty; the fragments had been all daintily crumbled by Ruth, as she sat, resting and talking, when she had come in from her music-lesson; they lay heaped up like lightly fallen snow, in a broad dish, ready to be browned for chicken dressing or boiled for brewis or a pudding.

Fragments of city life were dexterously crumbled into the dish prepared for general entertainment.

On the farther side of the knife edge of rock, crumbling fast into the sea, a waste of breakers rolled through the chasm, though there was scarcely any wind to drive them, leaping, spouting, crashing, hammering down the soft cliffs, which seemed to crumble, and did doubtless crumble, at every blow; and beyond that the open blue sea, without a rock or a sail, hazy, in spite of the blazing sunlight, beneath the clouds of spray.

But evermore will the castle hall Echo their footsteps' phantom fall, Till its walls shall crumble away.

Add 1 teaspoonful of brandy and a teaspoonful of wine and lemon-juice; add 4 lady fingers crumbled up fine.

All day long the voice of London throbbed up beyond the bars, and George would regard the chimneys and the housetops and the section of lively street that fell within his range with his small, keen eyes, and wonder why the world did not forthwith crumble into silent, peaceful dust, instead of groaning and quivering in continual unrest.

Here was the whole structure which my ambition had planned out crumbling hopelessly about my ears.

It would be sad to think that all the eternal hills were crumbling thus, outwardly, unless we knew that they bubble up inwardly as fast.

The breaking down of the cell walls through the chemical action of so-called "enzymes" secreted by the fungi follows, and the eventual product is a rotten, moist substance crumbling readily under the slightest pressure.

My old Clubs, that lived so long and flourish'd so steadily, are crumbled away.

In truth, his party is crumbled away strangely.

Who could know that a crumble of island beach and six months ashore would turn him into what he had become?

Both the skulls were free from all action of fire, and though subsequently crumbling to pieces on their removal, the writer had opportunity to observe their strong resemblance to the small, orthocephalic crania which he had exhumed from mounds in Michigan.

First scald out a basin; then having put in some boiling water, throw in coarsely-crumbled bread, and cover it with a plate.

Their bricks, it is believed, were entirely sun-dried, not burnt to fuse or vitrify them as ours are, and they have consequently crumbled into mere mounds.

18 adverbs to describe how to  crumble  - Adverbs for  crumble