86 adverbs to describe how to difficult

And there were few questions put to me in response to which, after meditating on their main points, I could not make up a pleasing tale: a thing, in my opinion, exceedingly difficult for a young woman to begin, and still more difficult to finish and relate afterward.

Unions of low- skilled labour can only be successful at the expanse of outsiders, who will find it increasingly difficult to get employment.

As he used to say himself, it is impossible, or at least extraordinarily difficult in statuary to set right the faults of the blocking out.

It was an unpleasant shock to me, placing me, as it seemed, in a terribly difficult position.

Elsewhere he says, "I by no means intend to give a natural child an English education, because, with the disadvantages of her birth, her after settlement would be doubly difficult.

The only chance was to lift her by main force directly to where I stood; and the outward projection of the rock at this point rendered this peculiarly difficult, as I had nothing to cling or hold by.

It is specially difficult in the case of oxen to suppose that they have a language; but it is impossible to doubt that the variations of their lowing are understood of one another, and serve to express their feelings if not their thoughts.

E. It is infinitely difficult to guess the course of these early voyages, without latitudes or longitudes, and only estimated distances by dead reckoning in uncertain leagues; but the Rio del Infante of this voyage and that of Diaz, is probably that now called Great-fish river, in the Zuureveld of Graaff Reynet, in long.

Once an enemy agent has got himself into an English or Allied uniform, he is horribly difficult to run down.

Bud Haines, reinstated as secretary, was picking up the thread of routine where he had dropped it the day before, though his frequent thought of Hope and the words that had thrilled him"I love you, I love you fondly"made this task unusually difficult.

" "If the suicide idea is to be abandoned," said Kelson, speaking with an unusually gloomy, preoccupied air, "the police have an uncommonly difficult and delicate task before them.

This was a translation of the works of Horace, an author more diversified, and consequently more difficult than Lucretius.

And now above all other times, when, for some reason not fully known to him, she was finding her own life an almost impossibly difficult thing to manage.

He carried a large fan with charms attached, which he waved constantly during the audience, often laughing heartily"a good sign, for a man who shakes his sides with mirth is seldom difficult to deal with.

Owing to their great length, it is excessively difficult to turn them; a "Tommy Onslow" would cut in and out with a four-in-hand fifteen miles an hour, where the poor Volante would come to a regular fixif the horses in Cuba came into power, they would burn every one of them the next minute.

It asserts boldly that doing right would not be such an enormously difficult matter if we practiced it a little,say a tenth as much as we practice the piano,and it intends to give children plenty of opportunity for practice in this direction.

The R.F.C. made long flights in this theatre of war, and some of them were exceptionally difficult and dangerous.

It became desperately difficult for him to go on.

The question of production is best examined under various headings and the results under the old Admiralty organization compared with those under the new, although comparison is admittedly difficult owing to changing conditions.

But he had no aptitude for the incredibly difficult task of subduing the formidable forest Indians, with their peculiar and dangerous system of warfare; and he possessed no capacity for getting on with the frontiersmen, being without sympathy for their virtues while keenly alive to their very unattractive faults.

Exactly what causes the racial elements of a nation, with all their varying properties, to flash suddenly (as it seems) into the splendid incandescence of an Heroic Age, and thence to shift again into a comparatively rigid and perhaps comparatively lustreless civilizationthis difficult matter has been very nicely investigated of late, and to interesting, though not decided, result.

Even at the present day they would, without ammunition, be remarkably difficult nuts to crack; indeed, it is hard to see how their assault could have been successfully attempted, save by the slow process of starvation, or possibly by fires kindled immediately below the entrance, and so by degrees smoking out their inmates.

It would have been decidedly difficult to live up to such a contract, andas it wereto fulfil every one of the implied specifications!"

It presents a combination of properties that makes it singularly difficult to conceal permanently.

So situated, an operative approach to it is overwhelmingly difficult.

86 adverbs to describe how to  difficult  - Adverbs for  difficult